Episode 4: Explanation, Arrival, and a Disaster

Start from the beginning

Inko: *Sniff* I hope you love your new life Izuku.

On Mobius:

-The Freedom Fighters, Izuku, and his friends just entered some sort of jungle. When they entered they were amazed of what it looked like, everyone except Lane, who had a stern look on his face. And little known to his friends and brother, for good reason.

Izuku: Hey Bro? What's up? You look... tense.

Lane: . . .It's nothing. Anyway, in order for you and your friends to fit in Izuku, you have to become Mobians.

Katsumi: And uh, quick question! How do we do that?

Lane: Easy, before we left, Denki's dad, Tails, he created a formula that can turn humans into their ideal Mobians, he made about 20.

Izuku: Wow Kaminari! I never knew your dad was a genius!

Denki: A lot of people get that!

Lane: Anyways, none for you Izuku since you were born a Mobian.

Izuku: But, how do I transform into my true self?

Lane: *SIGH!* Kirishima, Kaminari!

Eijiro/Denki: Yeah Lane?

Lane: I'm gonna help my brother transform into his Mobian form! You two help his friends with the formula! And try NOT to make a mess! *Leaves with Izuku*


Lane: Always.

Eijiro: Curses! Your right!

Denki: Well... LET'S GET TO IT!!!

-Lane decided to take Izuku from the jungle and to a spot in a canyon where it's peaceful, and has a small tree.

Lane: This is where, I learned to transformed into my human self, I have that ability same with you.

Izuku: Wow. So how do I do it?

Lane: Easy. First, think of something you love. Second, think of a reason of why you love it. And third, think of the reason on why you want to protect it. Well, that's what Sonic told me when he was teaching me.

Izuku: Ok. *Thinks of his old family and Ochako* (I want... I want...) TO PROTECT MY FAMILY!!!

-Then a flash of green light appears and when it clears Izuku is turned into his Mobian self.

-But while Izuku was recovering, he and Lane were being watched from the top of the canyon by 2 men, one of which was just like Izuku but

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-But while Izuku was recovering, he and Lane were being watched from the top of the canyon by 2 men, one of which was just like Izuku but...

-But while Izuku was recovering, he and Lane were being watched from the top of the canyon by 2 men, one of which was just like Izuku but

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