Episode 4: Explanation, Arrival, and a Disaster

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-Last time we left off with our heroes, Izuku and his friends found out that Lane is his brother, and Lane introduced them to his team of friends, called the Freedom Fighters. Now the gang and the Freedom Fighters are having a party before leaving for Mobius. All Might wasn't there of course, he was invited to I-Island for a month last week, so he was gone for a while and the best part was, he had no idea what was going on. Inko was really happy for Izuku that he and his friends were finally going to his real home, but sad that her real child Izumi was coming with him. Izumi told Inko that she'll be fine, and she promised she'll come back twice as strong unlike before. As for the Bakugo Twins, their mom is just checking with them to see if they got everything for the trip. Katsumi was reassuring her that they'll be fine, while restraining Katsuki from blowing up Shoto. The Freedom Fighters were also having the time of their life on Earth with the family that Izuku was proud to have for many years. During this, Lane pulled Izuku aside to have a chat with him privately.

Izuku: What is it bro?

Lane: I just thought I needed to ask you this... But will you miss your family?

Izuku: . . . Well of course, the only person that I won't miss is my Ass Might step-dad Toshinori.

Lane: Yeah All Might...

Izuku: Lane? I have a question. Brother to brother.

Lane: Shoot.

Izuku: Why did you take One For All?

Lane: . . . *Sigh.* I knew you were going to say that eventually. I took One For All because All Might... all the man was doing was favoring the strong, I also saw him try to pass on One For All to your, "Sister" Izumi. I saw that she wanted you to have it, and Toshinori stormed off, I knew that he wasn't worthy of One For All.

Izuku: Oh, so you did it because you feared that Toshinori will become... Evil?

Lane: Yeah I'm afraid so.

Izuku: That would be... Understandable. But I have another question, it's about my past when... Mom and dad left me here, can you tell me the reason why?

Lane: Oh. Well, a month after you were born, these villains known as the Outlanders attacked us. I know there wrath, I'll tell my story another time. But anyways, Sonic, your dad, told Amy, your mom, to take you somewhere where the outlanders will never find you, the best she came up with is Earth. They survived, but they were scared that you would be lost on Earth forever, so when I was 9, I was sent by Sonic along with the other Freedom Fighters to come and get you.

Izuku: Dad really must have a lot of sleepless nights with me on Earth.

Lane: Oh you have NO idea.

-Then while the two now brothers were laughing, Uraraka came up to check on Izuku, she blushed but they didn't notice.

Ochako: Hey Izuku?

Izuku: Oh! Hey Ochako! What's up?

Ochako: Your mom wanted to tell you to pack up your stuff, everyone's leaving so we can get ready to head to Mobius.

Izuku: Alright ZG!

Ochako: *Blush* ZG?

Izuku: Yeah! Like you know, Zero Gravity girl! ZG for short!

Ochako: *Blushing* I... I like it.

Lane: *Realization* (Oh snap, looks like Izuku's got himself a girl who likes him.) Alright. *Get's Up* See you tomorrow bro! *Jumps off*

Izuku: See ya!

-And so as they group went there separate ways, they each got ready for the transfer to Mobius. Ochako was already ready, and now Izuku and Izumi were almost ready, as for the Bakugo Twins they had everything ready, but their mom was making sure that they packed up everything by unpacking the bag. But by dawn, they were all ready and were at the location that Lane said they would head to Mobius. As the families of the Bakugo's, Uraraka's, Yagi's {Minus Toshinori}, and the U.A staff that helped out in the search, as Lane get's ready to do one last thing before they could leave for Mobius. As they got ready, the Todoroki Twins appeared and said their goodbyes the Freedom Fighters as Lane and Shoto bot shook hands. Before Lane could finished the portal, everyone said their final goodbyes and Lane opened up a portal to Mobius. Then they waved goodbye, as the gang and the Freedom Fighters stepped through the portal, and when there all through, the portal closes.

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