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Celeste Wilson was pacing around her room urgently as the harsh, Welsh rain pelted against the window and the sound of her mother watching television rang throughout the house.

School was starting in exactly three days and she was supposed to be packing and preparing for another long year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Quills and books were strewn across the room waiting to be packed into the young Gryffindors trunk, but those were the least of her worries.

Celeste didn't necessarily enjoy being at Hogwarts. Sure, she had some friends but not a lot. She always claimed that if she had been in any house other than Gryffindor her life would be ten times better. You have no idea how tiring it is to be in the same class as the infamous 'Marauders'.

What a ridiculous name that was. The whole school thought it was ingenious but Celeste was convinced 'Dipshits' would suit the group far better.

Peter Pettigrew was just simply embarrassing to be in the same room with. He followed the other 'Marauders' around like a pathetic puppy, and there was nothing Celeste hated more than weak people that only ever 'follow the crowd'.

Remus Lupin- despite being the most tolerable of the lot- was a terrible bystander, letting Sirius and James walk all over him. 'In fairness', Celeste thought 'it must be difficult being an introvert amongst extroverts.'

Sirius Black with his stupid hair and stupid pranks. In third year he had dyed her robes a horrid, puke green, declaring she may as well be a Slytherin as she only hung out with 'snakes'. She had to ask her mum to buy her a new set of robes when she couldn't work out the counter curse, which wasn't ideal considering money was tight enough.

But the worst of them all was James Potter. James walked around like he was Merlin's gift to the world. Celeste had plenty of reasons to have a true loathing for the boy. One being his quidditch abilities. Back in second year, her and James both tried out to be a chaser for the Gryffindor team. Unfortunately, James had gotten the spot, which would've been fine if he hadn't rubbed it in her face for months on end. She had never tried out again.

Another reason for disliking for him was his desperate and pitiful attempts to get Lily Evans to date him. Celeste wasn't exactly best friends with Lily but they still got on well as they had shared a dorm for the past five years and Celeste felt so terrible for poor Lily who had to put up with Potter every single day.

But the final and biggest reason for her hatred for James Fleamont Potter was something she would never admit out loud. She was so unbelievably jealous of him. Jealous of his friendships, his talent and contagiously bright personality. The boy was if 'privilege' was a person. Male, white, rich, good parents and admiration. Everything Celeste wanted but never had.

She was a mixed girl from a poor family with runaway father and an alcoholic mother. The one thing she wanted was to be seen and praised by those around her. She worked and studied day and night to prove herself to the world that she was enough. That she could be great too. But it never seemed to be good enough. Here she was in her small box room with walls covered in study notes and past essays. 

Little did Celeste know that this year at school everything would change.

Celeste would learn to view the 'Marauders' in a new light and possibly patch things up with James Potter in a way she wouldn't expect.

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