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     But suddenly, the wall to their left broke down as she was about to attack him. Once the damage was cleared, Midoriya emerged from the huge crate he created with Aizawa and Sir Nighteye behind him.

      Without even having time to register the scene in front of him, Midoriya quickly rushed over to Chisaki and delivered a hard punch to his arm, sending him flying. Aizawa quickly rendered the other villains useless by taking away their quirks.

     "Mr. Aizawa? Midoriya-chan?" Tomomi blinked, calming down as the flames disappeared. But with the adrenaline disappearing, her body began to feel some of the aftermath of her using that much power.

    Tomomi fell from her place on top of the ice spike in a weakened state but was caught by Aizawa before she could hit the ground.

    "I got you, munchkin." He whispered as he felt her body began to rapidly grow colder by the second. "You're okay now."

    Tomomi hyperventilated as she began to feel ice growing on her skin. She felt extremely cold. Like, dangerously cold. Her body was still getting used to the level she just went and it was like her body temperature was becoming adapted to the new degrees she was able to live through.

    She used ice colder than what her body was used to and her body temperature wasn't nearly as low as the ice around them. So she needed time to adjust to it.

    "E-Eri.....M-Mirio......"She huffed out, slowly turning her head to Mirio and the scared little girl behind him. "He....He needs....."

    "It's okay," He soothingly told her, trying to get her to calm down so that her heart rate didn't skyrocket. "They'll be okay because of you."

    Usually that would satisfy her but Tomomi shook her head as she slowly and shakily rose up. "No....No no no..." She mumbled under her breath. "It's not over yet....."

    "Tomomi, what are yo-" Nighteye, after making sure Mirio was okay, began to ask but was interrupted when said girl suddenly stood up, shocking everyone around them.

    "Tomo-neechan, you're too weak to-" Midoriya tried to reason with him but she ignored him as her body, now adapting to the new power level she had, began to shed the ice that grew around her skin.

     "It's not over yet." She said viciously, glaring at Chisaki as if she was hunting down prey. "DON'T RUN FROM ME, CHISAKI!"

    She took off running towards him. Without warning and without sparing another second. Her arms were surrounded by her ice fire as the tips of her hair reignited into the sapphire flames. An appearance that shocked the heroes completely.

     "Oh my god...." Nighteye mumbled as his eyes widened at her. "This is her power?"

    "Tomo...." Midoriya was stunned. He knew that Tomomi was strong in her own right. Possibly the strongest ice quirk user he knew but to see the extent of her power was mind blowing. This is why Chisaki wanted her blood. This is why the League of Villains kept her....

     Tomomi wasn't just a ice wielder.....She is ice!

      And she is everything it embodies.


      Meanwhile, Kurono used his quirk to stop Aizawa from erasing their quirks. He trapped Aizawa with his quirk and took him somewhere else, leaving Midoriya, Nighteye and Tomomi the only abled bodies to fight off Chisaki.

     Chisaki sent spikes their way, which didn't really do anything seeing as Tomomi only blasted them with her ice fire as her Midoriya rushed over to him.

𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐄. 𝘣𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘬𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘪 ✓Where stories live. Discover now