Soon, Sapnap went to get the boys, which left Dream and George to sit on opposite sides of the couch. George felt the hatred radiating off of Dream and didn't dare to look up at him. Eventually, he tore his eyes from the ground and quickly glanced at Dream, who was glaring daggers.

He couldn't have been more relieved when Sapnap walked back in with two giggling kids behind him. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Asher removed his hands from his face, and his eyes lit up as he looked around the room. "It looks cool, thanks you guys!" He squealed.

Sapnap opened his mouth to respond, but was once again cut off by a knock at the door. Dream laughed maniacally and Sapnap sighed. "Hopefully that's Karl."

George slowly looked over at Dream, who was struggling to pull himself together. When they locked eyes, Dream pulled himself upright and scowled. George tore his eyes away and focused on the fluffy haired man that stood in the doorway. "Hey guys, how is everyone?"

A smile crossed his lips. "Hey, Karl."

Karl waved at him, then set his present aside and walked into the kitchen with a grin. Asher gasped and tackled him, nearly knocking the poor boy over. "Karl! It's been so long since you came over!"

"I know, I know," Karl giggled, ruffling Asher's hair. He then walked over to Dream, and the two did a handshake of sorts. "Welcome to the party, man," Dream grinned.

George grimaced. He already felt out of place.

Karl noticed him huddled against the arm of the couch and moved beside him. "Nice to see you again. It was George, right?"

He nodded.

"Are you okay? It seems lonely over here," Karl teased.

"Yeah, I'm good." George forced a smile. While Karl didn't look like he believed it, he didn't get to question any further because Sapnap spoke up.

"Well, this is everyone. We're doing cake and presents, so to the kitchen!"

"Good idea. I don't think Asher can wait another second without exploding," Dream joked.

George stood from the couch and went join the others. Everyone already found their seats, and the only one left was next to Dream. He decided he was better off standing and leaned against one of the counters.

"Okay, we're going to sing on three."

Sapnap nodded towards the empty seat, but George shook his head. He shrugged. "One, two, three!

George joined in, but quietly. Once it was over, cake slices were passed around. Sapnap offered him some, but he declined. "I'm not a big fan of cake, sorry."

As they ate, George saw Karl lean over and whisper something to Dream. Dream turned to glare at George, then sighed and swapped spots with Karl.

George took a hesitant step forward and Karl smiled, patting the seat beside him. He felt more at ease as he sat down, though Dream continued to glare harshly.

From beside him, Sapnap announced it was time for presents. He stacked them beside his chair and handed Asher one.

He ended up with an art set and sketchbook from Karl, a $25 card from Dream, the two figures from Sapnap, and a bunch of his favorite candy from Cole. Finally, he got to George's, and he squealed as he tore open the gift. "It looks like Roar! Remember Roar, Sapnap?"

"Of course I do," Sapnap chuckled.

George shot a questioning glance at Sapnap, but he mouthed, "I'll tell you later."

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