Chapter 17- Brother Sister hang out

Start from the beginning

"Oh no no no Gregory don't worrie about me I'm alright I can keep playing besides we don't really do this anymore anyways so I wanna spend as much time with you as I can before I have to do something" you told him rubbing his head and kissed his head

"Well if you say so let's go play some Lazer tag!"

Everyone agrees and ran off to the Fazer blast area

You followed behind but Freddy was walking next to you since you just walked instead of ran

"Are you actually tired?" Freddy asked

"...uhhhhhh" you needed and excuse or lie or something!

"Yeah, yeah but I'm fine dont worried totally ain't thinking of anything" you said with a nervous smile

He looked at you concerned a bit

"You sure your not lying to me?"

"Yeeeeeeeeep-" you said


"Your lying aren't you?"

"Fine yes I'm lying I was thinking about last night and...y-yeah" you said with embarrassment

"Oh-..well at least you enjoyed it~" he said giggling a bit

"Oh hush! I know that but it's stuck in my head and it's hard to focus!" You said with your arms crossed

"Well when we play some Lazer tag I'm sure you'll forget about it or at least not focus on that" he said

I looked at him and he had a little smile and his ears wiggled

"Well if you say so Mr. Flirt" you jokingly said

You both made it to the area and it was girls v.s. boys like last time

"Alright ladies! Y'all ready to kick some butts!" Roxanne said

"Hell yeah!" We yelled

We left and ran off to a spot to kinda peek around at wich was the high ground and Davina was standing on top of one of the walls looking like a actual owl and looking around

"Do you see them?" You asked

"Hm...there far away but there scattering out and I hear one of them coming close I think it's either Monty or Freddy so we might have to make a move for it" she said jumping down gently

We ran off somewhere else and we split into twos me and Davina went one way and Roxanne and chica went a different way

I hid behind a walk that had a little window while Davina was in a darken corner and Roxanne was Infront of you by like 2 walls on the other side of you and chica was above Roxanne

The guys ran over but we was quiet and they walked around

"I swear I heard them run over here" Freddy said

Him and Gregory was looking around trying to find us

Chica jumps down and she shot Gregory's back

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