sick day

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Me and the other kids stood in the doorway of dustin's room

Will spoke "how did you even get sick to start with dude?" Dustin shakes his head and points for us to get out.

"I want the girls out it's crowded." We nodded and walked into the living room were dustin's mom gave us snacks and.. 'Pud.. Ing?'

I went to the bathroom while max played with the switches on one of the boys walkie talkies

Third person;

Dustin sighed "I've been having these dreams of y/n."

Everyone had an expression that could only be described as.. 'What the actual.. ?'

"You have a crush on her or something?" Will asked.

"NO... I mean.. No it's not like that." Dustin said his lisp

"God your going to be like el and Mike all over again" lucas and will sighed

"Y know I'm still here assholes." Mike rolled his eyes in annoyance.

Dustin uttered some words.

"I've had these dreams for weeks but I just found out it was y/n..-" Dustin sighed fixing his posture in bed.

"What does she do in those dreams?" Will raised an eye brow which made lucas laugh a bit.

"She wears like a sundress and a sunhat telling me to catch up.. The dream I had last, she had.. Been in the water.. And she splashed it saying Russian words,.. She looked right at me."

"Yep he has a crush" will scrunches up his nose.


"Do too." Lucas chimes into the fight.


"Sure you don't" Mike adds with sarcasm.

"You clearly like her." Will said.

"Fine maybe a little.. But we're just friends and that's that."

The boys rolled their eyes and sarcastically agreed

For now.

Dustin Henderson x F readerWhere stories live. Discover now