Hiding Feelings

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*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

I hear my alarm go off and groan and reach over to turn it off.

I slowly get up and all the memories from last night come rushing back to me.

I had so much fun last night; who would have known that Draco Malfoy, known for being cruel and mysterious, would have turned out to be fun to dance and talk with all night.

As I remember the details of last night, I put my hands to my face to realize that I am blushing and smiling like an idiot. We said that we would meet each other in the library at 4:00pm to start on our report for potions.

I get up and have a shower before going down to have breakfast with Harry and Ron.

When I get into the Great Hall I spot Harry and Ron right away because it isn’t hard to miss their heads. Mainly Ron’s Red hair and him being taller than most of the people around them, and Harry’s black hair sitting next to him.

I make sure I sit on the side of the table where I can see the Slytherin table so I might have a chance of seeing Draco, and luckily it is on the opposite side to Harry and Ron so they won’t suspect anything.

“So you finally know how to work that bloody stupid screeching egg.”

“Oh, you have figured it out finally.”

“Yeah, you have to hold it under the water and listen to it.” Harry has been trying to figure it out ever since the first challenge when he got it from the dragon.

“Well? What is the next challenge about?” I say eagerly.

“I don’t really know to be honest, all I know is that it has something to do with mermaids, and that I only have an hour to take back whatever they took that is mine.”

“Well why don’t you go down to the lake and ask the merpeople to give back whatever they nicked.”

*Sigh* “Ron you do realize Harry has to be able to speak the merpeople language to be able to speak to the merpeople.”


Breakfast finishes and I didn’t see Draco, but when I get up to leave with Ron and Harry to go sit under the big tree. I see Draco and make eye contact with him, which makes me smile a little, that is until I see that Pansy has attached herself to his arm again.

A rush of hurt, jealousy and sadness run their way through my body; like the electricity usually does.

I look away quickly and as quick as Ron and Harry would go we got out of the front doors and start to walk down to sit under the big tree. That is until I feel someone’s hand grip my elbow and pull me to the side of the building, I don’t even get time to see who it is.

“It isn’t what it looked like honestly.” I don’t even need to look up, because from that deep rough voice I already know it is Draco.

“How would you know that I would be thinking about that, just FYI you’re not a mind reader Malfoy.”

“I just knew you would be thinking about it Granger.”

I’m not going to answer because if I do I will break down and tell him the truth.

“Just trust me when I say that it was nothing and means nothing, because I don’t feel the same way with her than I do with you.” With that he places his fingers under my chin and tilts it up.

He gives me one of his all famous smirks before he kisses me, I instantly feel the electricity between us. Just as I feel the electricity, it leaves just as quick as it started because Draco pulls away and say “I will see you at 4:00” than turns and leaves as a group of Hufflepuff girls walk past.

I am left standing there smiling, so I decide I should probably catch up with Harry and Ron.

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