"Mommy...what if no one likes me?" Akio's soft, concerned voice broke you out of your thoughts. Every time he called you that, your heart did a flutter. Akio had started referring to Daichi as his dad almost immediately after you began fostering him. He had never had a father figure, and Daichi had easily and naturally filled that role for him. Only recently had he started referring to you as his mother. You never forced it on him and had told him that he could just call you Nori. However, a few months ago, he had sat down with you and asked if it was possible to have two moms. He had been comparing you to Yue, and he had decided that you loved him and took care of him in the same way she did, therefore you were now also his mom. It had reduced you to tears, and now, even months later, it still tugged at your heart.

"Who would dare to not like you? Have you ever met anyone that hasn't?" you thoughtfully questioned him and watched as he slowly shook his head.

"See...there's nothing to worry about. You'll make friends. And you know whose class you're going to be in this year, right?" Daichi asked with a sparkle in his eyes.

"Uncle Suga!" Akio gleefully stated, a huge smile on his face now.

"Exactly! You're going to have so much fun, so there's nothing to worry about. Uncle Suga will always watch out for you....Okay, now...let's close our eyes and go back to sleep. You still have some time before you have to wake up, okay baby?" you said to him before kissing him on his cheek and situating him under the blanket with his Black Jackal doll that his Uncle Bokuto had given him.

You also kissed Daichi on the cheek, leaving Akio in his capable hands before scooting out from under the blanket and heading into the bathroom. After brushing your teeth, you hopped into the shower and stood under the shower head, letting the hot water simply run down your body. The sound of the bathroom door opening and closing caught your attention, and you turned to see Daichi's blurry figure through the shower's textured glass door.

"Mind if I hop in?" Daichi asked. You could tell he was grinning as he began to strip.


"He's fast asleep."

"Did you bring the monitor?"

"Yup. It's on the sink," he answered, opening the shower door and allowing a gust of cold air in as he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "Now where were we?"

Daichi grabbed you underneath your thighs and easily lifted you into his arms. The water was streaming onto both of you now as you brushed your fingers into his wet hair and kissed him, feeling the warm droplets of water on your tongue. You moved your lips against his as you both hungrily deepened the kiss. Even with the water running down your body, you could feel yourself getting wet with your own slick between your thighs.

"Dai..chi," you groaned out as you began to kiss him on his jaw and down his neck. "Finger me...please."

He shifted your weight into one arm as you felt him bring his other hand to your entrance. Without ceremony, you felt him insert two of his thick fingers into you. You threw your head back and gasped at the sudden fullness. You could feel Daichi curl his fingers and begin pressing at the exact spot that always sent you over the edge. You tightly wrapped your arms around him and whimpered into his shoulder as he began to increase the pace.

"Ah..I'm close...Daichi...fuck," you moaned, gently biting his shoulder as your eyes rolled back.

A shrill and piercing cry filled the air in the bathroom around you as both, you and Daichi, froze. You slumped onto his shoulder as he removed his fingers from you and chuckled.

"No rest for the wicked, huh?"

"It would be too easy if there was," you leaned back to grin down at him before placing a soft kiss on his lips and unwrapping your legs from around his waist. "You finish showering. I'll go check on her."

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