“Walls don’t usually breathe down a person’s neck or stroke their side.”

                “That can’t be true. I’m sure I’ve heard of such things before. Go on; I want you to run Esmerelda through.”

                I took a deep breath, trying very hard to block out the feel of Lockwood pressing against my back. My blade speared right through where the straw dummy’s heart would have been, and I let out a whoop of triumph, spinning around to face Lockwood, my rapier swinging.  Lockwood gave me the full power of his megawatt smile and the rapier drooped in my grip.

                “Well done,” he said. “Now what were you saying about George?”

                The rapier clanged to the ground and I cringed inwardly at the mortified expression that I was sure graced my features.


                “He wasn’t upset about the Source?”

                “No,” I said, shaking my head, backing away slowly as Lockwood prowled towards me, his eyes glinting wolfishly. “He was upset about the other thing. You know, where you- you know.”

                “Where I what?” Lockwood asked, determined to make me say it. My knee hit something hard and I collapsed into one of the rickety chairs. Lockwood towered over me and I gave a sigh of relief as he sunk into the chair beside me. My relief didn’t last for long; in moments his fingers were on my chin, turning my head to look at him. “Not the part where I kissed you, surely?” he took my silence to be assent and continued, “Why on earth would he be upset about that?”

                “Lucy?” George’s voice came down the stairs. “I can’t hear any rapier practice going on. What on earth are you doing?”

                “I’m- er- rearranging my desk,” I called back, my eyes never straying from Lockwood’s face.

                “Oh. Okay. Well, I’m going out now. If you see Lockwood tell him I’ve gone. See you at twelve!”

                “See you!”

                The strangled tone to my voice must have given George pause.

                “Are you alright Lucy?”

                “Yes, yes. I’m fine.”

                “Don’t tell me Lockwood’s down there? I thought he was still in bed. You two weren’t having it on, were you? I thought we’d made a rule about that.”

                George’s feet came stomping down the iron stairs, and Lockwood stood up in one fluid motion and went into the storage room. After a moment of shock I hurried to my desk and began to pile papers into unruly stacks.

                “Lucy?” George looked surprised to see me organising papers, but he quickly shook his head. “Sorry. I really thought- Well. If it’s not him, what is it then? You haven’t been crying have you?”

                “No. No, nothing of the kind. I was just thinking, that’s all.”

                George gave a snort.

                “Oh, I see. Well, I’ll be off. Goodbye Luce.”

                “Bye George.”

                Lockwood was leaning up against the wall, his eyes dark as he watched me.

                “George is right,” he said. “We did promise him there would be no kissing in the house. That ruins my plans.”


                “Come along,” Lockwood sighed, heading for the stairs. “I want to get to DEPRAC early, see what we can find. If we want to get back tonight we don’t have much time to spare.”

Happy Easter everyone! I know this isn't much, but there will be more up soon. I just thought I woudl give you something to read over the Easter break :) Hope you are enjoying the story!

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