🎨 cam kilgore \\\TW/// 🎨

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(🎨) in my mind '--ˎ

birth name : cam kilgore

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birth name : cam kilgore

other names : ga kwangsu ( 가광수)

nicknames : painter ( 그림, 페인 터 )

birthdate : february 27

zodiac : pisces

age : 17-23

height : 175 cm (5'9)

gender : cis male

sexuality : homosexual

romantic orientation : homoromantic

ethnicity : korean

nationality : korean

birthplace : seoul, south korea

hometown(s) : seoul, south korea

languages he speaks : korean (100%), ASL (100%), KSL (100%)

religion : christian

tattoos : none

piercings : none

scars/marks/etc : various scars all over his body that have resulted from his father's abuse. he has a birthmark on his stomach, just to the left of his belly button. it's a lighter spot of skin about the size of a tennis ball

(🎨) older '--ˎ (TW mentions of abuse)

background (childhood) : cam was born into a very poor family

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background (childhood) : cam was born into a very poor family. he has three older brothers and two younger sisters, and all six of them plus his parents live in a single room house, if you can even call it that. it's more of a glorified shack. the roof leaks, the floor is dirt, and there's only two beds, one for his parents and one for all the kids. his father was a drunkard, so what little money they had was always being sucked up. cam's mother managed to hide some money in order to send her children to school, something that cam has always been grateful for. poverty wasn't the only trouble that plagued the large family. cam's father was abusive when he was drunk, which was almost all the time. he would yell, hit, throw, and kick, and his wife and children were at his mercy. when cam was born, he was the loudest kid in the house. he learned to talk early on, and was very vocal, that is until his father decided he didn't like it. he got upset when cam cried or talked or made any noise at all, and would hit him until he went quiet. when cam was nine, he simply stopped talking all together, and has been mute since then.

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