Chapter Twelve

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"What?" he asked.

Both their cheeks were turning pink and Mac didn't want to repeat himself, he knew that Dennis heard him correctly. Why else would he be so flustered? They both stared at each other expectantly until Dennis finally broke the silence with a voice as flustered as his rosy face.

"We're together Mac,"

"Oh, okay. Just making sure," he replied equally as awkwardly.

Dennis couldn't remember the last time he felt like this. He had become so jaded as his time on earth went on that he had forgotten what it was like to be in love. Maybe, he had never actually been in love. It was so terrifying, how a simple look or words from Mac could affect him in such an intoxicating way.

But it was exciting, thrilling. Dennis was feeling again, it felt like he was feeling for the first time in his life. It was like wandering uncharted territory. There were so many questions going through his mind. Just how exactly would they make this work? Therapy and counseling and all that other stuff can only get them so far.

"We should probably head down to the bar,"

"Yeah," Dennis mumbled.

They both felt a slight fear. Dee already knew but even that was scary. Neither of them could imagine how Frank and Charlie would react or how this new development the entire dynamic of the gang. Then again it's not like the gang had a good dynamic going on either way.

Things genuinely can't get worse. So they both clung to the idea that things could only get better from here even if it was awkward at first. They needed to grow and that comes with growing pains.

The drive there was the same as usual, it was Mac's day to choose the music and he warbled the tunes he played. Dennis never cared much for his singing, it was usually shaky and pitchy but he saw it in a different light. Singing in front of people is not the easiest thing in the world and it was endearing that Mac always sang in front of him.

Frank and Charlie were already running around the bar when they arrived. Moving tables into the middle with two stools on the other side.

"Mac! Help us move these tables," Charlie exclaimed.

Mac obliged and started moving the tables where Charlie directed him. They had no idea what they were up to but they were quick to join in on whatever scheme was afoot.

"And Dennis we need you to do us a huge favor," Charlie said.

"What are you guys even doing?" he asked.

"We're gonna have speed datin'"

"Again?" Mac asked.

"We did group dating last time, speed dating is totally different. Plus Frank has this plan to get some lady to come and woo her during the speed date," Charlie explained their plan, "And we need you to be one of the of our speed daters we don't have enough guys signed up," he said gesturing at Dennis.

Mac looked at Dennis waiting for his answer.

"No Charlie I don't want to,"

"Why not?" Frank asked "You don't have to be into the ladies but it will be an easy lay if they like you," he continued trying to persuade him.

"I don't want to,"

"Why?" Charlie asked again "You don't have to date them in real life we just need you to play along. It's not like you have anyone anyways. Maybe you'll find someone,"

Dennis and Mac stood stiffly as they looked at each other with cheeks that were getting rosier and rosier by the second. Frank and Charlie stared at Dennis expecting him to finally give in, they didn't seem to notice the awkwardness in the air.

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