🖤 The Theft of The Tesseract 🖤

Start from the beginning

4 guards approached the two with large rifles at hand.
"Sir! Please put down the spear!" Loki looked at Fury, "Ma'am! Please reduce the flame!" Y/n tilted her head (Like wanda), her hands dancing with flames of red magic.

Loki looked at the scepter and the shot it towards Fury and the scientists, throwing them back. While this was happening, Y/n took out the guards either side of them, throwing against the wall. More guards ran at the duo, firing at them.  Loki jumped at them, throwing knives at the others, who were a distance away.

Y/n shot a blast of red at the other group of people by the computers. They fell back from the blast, most of them unconscious. Loki and Y/n stood in a fighting stance, examining the rom for any more threats for a few moments. Electrical bursts from wires were dancing round the room, illuminating the damage of the chamber; broken computers, bright red fires and body's from unconscious agents and scientists littered the floor.
"Well done Y/n, that was impressive." Loki said walking up to Clint, who was now getting up.
"Thank you father, you have gotten a hang of the new scepter." She said in return.

Clint was now standing and Loki rushed over to him, just as he was reaching for the gun. He pulled it out but Loki grabbed his hand before he could shoot.
"You have heart, "Loki said, smirking
Fury had now gotten up and Y/n sent a ribbon of red his way, stopping him from moving. Loki pressed the point of the scepter on Clints chest lightly, and a blue mist formed around the blue stone, climbing its way to Clint body, phasing inside him. His eyes turned a black with a mirror of white from the remaining lights in the room. As Clint looked up at Loki, the black collected itself in his iris' and turnt a light, neon blue. Loki released him from his grasp and Clint put away his gun in its holster and stood stationary and Loki moved away.

Y/n stood amazed at her father's success and the red mist released itself from Fury, allowing him to remove the Tesseract from its holder and placing it in a full metal briefcase. Loki then controlled another SHEILD worker that was nearby. Fury started to leave with the Tesseract now in the briefcase.
"Please don't," Loki said plainly, looking at Fury.
Y/n snapped her head towards her father then towards Fury.
"We still need that," she says gesturing towards the encased cube.
"Thsis doesn't have enough get any messier," Fury said, not turning to face the two villans.
"Of course it does," Loki stated, " We've come to far for anything else."
Fury turned around to face the threat.
"I am Loki, of Asguard. And I am burdened with glorious purpose."
"Loki!" A man said standing, facing the God, "Brother of Thor!"
"We have no quarrel with your people." Fury stated.
"An ant has no quarrell with a boot" Y/n retorted, walking towards her father and standing next to him.
"You planning to step on us?" Fury questioned. Y/n smirked at his response.
"Midguard does have some humour, thank Thor," she thought.
"Oh we come with glad tidings," Loki said walking a few steps to the other side of the room and spun to face Fury, "Of a world made free."
"Free from what?" Fury asked, wanting elaboration.
"Freedom," Loki stated plainly, "Freedom of life's great lie. Once you accept that In you heart..."
He spun around to the man who was standing behind him, pressing the scepter to his chest, this man being his 3rd victim of control.
"You will know peace," I whispered looking at the man.
"Yeah, you say peace. I kinda think you mean the other thing." Fury says looking at the girl.
Clint walks over to Loki, "Sir, Director Fury is stalling," he looks at the group of blue energy building up on the dombed roof, "This place is about to blow, drop 100 feet of rock on us. He means to bury us"
"Like the Pharaohs of old," Fury says tilting his head mockingly at Y/n copying what she did earlier.
"He's right. The portal is collapsing in on  itself. Got maybe 2 minutes before this goes critical." The scientist stated, examining the statistics on the computer.
"Well then," Loki says and Clint shoots at Fury and knocks him down.

The group walk away roward the exit and grab the suitcase. They walk out to the vehicle dock.
"We need these vehicles," Clint states to Maria.
She was waiting outside the door. The group start to hop into a car while Loki and Y/n sit in the back tray.
"Who are they?" Maria asks, jesturimg to the two gods in the back; one looking exhausted and the other was sitting cross legged, playing with the red magic that was dancing across her fingers.
"They didn't tell me," Clint says going to the divers door.
Maria's walkie-talkie was giving her static but Fury voice came through.
"Hill! Do you copy? Barton has turned!"
Just as the last three words were said, Clint fired at Maria as she ducked behind a wall. Grabbing her handgun and firing back. The car sped off to the tunnels exit.
Meanwhile, Fury stumbled out of the chamber, "They have the Tesseract! Shut them down!"

Maria jumped into another car and sped off after them. More SHEILD agents fired at the two gods in the tray of the Ute. (Thats what we Aussies call those cars. No sure what you call them). Loki raised his scepeter and blasted the car closest to him, creating a barrier. Maria avoided the car, swerved around the Ute and blocked it from going any further. Clint and Maria firing at eachother without second thoughts. Clint threw her off, making her car swerve sideways and allowing them to pass.

Meanwhile, Fury had jumped into a helicopter and had flown off; just before the whole compound sunk into a hole, crumbling in on itself. Furys helicopter pursued the Ute that had just come out of a tunnel, causing Clint to swerve into the long grass beside the road. The helicopter followed and hovered stationary in the direct path of the vehicle. Fury opened the side door and shot at the car, with great luck and skill, almost hitting Clint and the Proffesor in the front. Y/n shot a burst of energy at the helicopter, causing it to go down, Fury jumped out just before it landed. The blades snapped as they made contact with the ground. Fury shot at the car as it sped away.
"Well done Y/n, this will be an easy task."
"It sure will be, father." She said looking back at the reckage.

Coulsons voice rang through the comms, "Dirctior? Director Fury, do you copy?"
"The Tesseract is with a hostile force. I have men down. Hill?" Fury asked, hoping she made it out.
"A lot of men still under," she said climbing out of her car that was covered in large chuncks of the building, " I don't know how many survivors."
"Sound a general call," he commanded, "I want every living soul not working on rescue looking for that briefcase."
"Copy that," Maria replied, out of breath.
"Coulson, get back to base. This is a Level Seven. As of right now ... we are at war."
"What do we do?" Coulson asked.
Fury didn't respond. He knew what to do.

The Avengers Initiative was about to come into action.

(A/n Yay! 2nd Chapter! Srry this was so long. I wanted to fit a scene in one chapter. I never knew how long it would take to go through 12 minutes of footage and write it out. 😴 Hope y'all are having a good day. Open to any criticism. Idk what I'm doing byeee)

Word Count ||1661

Y/n Lokidottir  ||  Godess of FireWhere stories live. Discover now