The first dress I try on is an ice blue color, it was off the shoulder dress with lace sleeves. The dress was floor length and had many layers of things making it beautiful.

I walk out, "Wow." "I like this one, but let me try the others on." The all nod as I walk back in. I then put on a 2 price royal blue dress. The top had a sweetheart neckline and was also had spaghetti straps. The bottom of the skirt had a few white designs where my hips were and went down to the floor. I liked this one too. I walked out, their eyes bulged out of their heads. I smile and twirl.

"Like this one to." I say, walking back in. The next dress was a one shoulder one. The sleeve that went on my shoulder turned to silk as it fell behind me. The dress was utterly beautiful. I walked out, a smile on my face. "Can I get more red dressed, but 2 piece. And also some of it can also be like a dark red." She nods.

I go in and change our of the dress. She leaves. "I'm starving so when we are done want go to The Three Broomsticks?" I ask Ginny and Hermione. "Yeah." Marlene comes back and hands me the dresses. I thank her and walk in the changing rooms. The first dress I change into was a dark red color.

The top had like a little choker that went around my neck. I really didn't like it but I put on the bottoms anyway. I walk out. "Nah." They shake their head s I walk in and change into a dark red almost black colored top. It had beads all over the top and it was off the shoulder. The bottom had ruffles all the way down to the floor. The waist line of the skirt had a beaded waist thing, almost like a belt. This dress also showed a sliver of my stomach.

I walked out, a huge smile on my face. "Yes!" I smile and walk back in. And change into my regular clothes. I walked out with all the dresses, but I handed her the ones I didn't want, keeping my dress. "We are all going to be the best dressed girls there." I say, we all laugh.

"Ok now shoes."  Marlene said. We walked over to the shoes and started to look. I found a lovely pair of shoes that would match my dress. "Uhm, do you have ties?" She nods, "Can you get one that matches this dress?" I ask, "Me too." Ginny said, "Sure." She walks away. Coming back after a few minutes she hands me and Ginny.

"Have you found any shoes?" "Yes." "Ok. Let's head to the register." We walk over, our dresses in bags along with our shoes. "Ok how are we paying ladies?" "All together." I say, Ginny and Hermione look at me. "Ok." She adds everything on the register. "Your total is 55 galleons, 25 Sickles, and 19 Knuts." "I only have 20 Galleons, 5 Sickles, and 10 Knuts." Hermione says, "That's all your savings?" I ask, she nods I look at Ginny she holds out her hand I see 5 Galleons, 1 Sickles and 5 Knuts. "Ok." I say taking the 10 of Hermione's Galleons, all of her Sickles and Knuts. I take all Of Ginny's  Sickles  and Knuts.

"Ok now the total now us 45 Galleons, 19 Sickles and 4 Knuts." People get behind us to take their things, they look older. She looks at us concerned for our money as she stares at us. I take my bag off my shoulder. "So 45 Galleons?" She nods, I hand her a handful of Galleons. "Heaven we can't let you pay for everything else." "Why not. Hermione you wanted to use all of your money. And Ginny I love you dear but your family does not have much money. Let me help. I'm loaded with money let me use it."

"Ok here are 10 Galleons back." I put it in her tips thing. She smiles. "Now 19 Sickles and 4 Knuts." I easily get that out of my bag and hand it to her." "Ok so I put a spell on your things besides the ties, so on the night of the Yule Ball your things will be in your designated dorm closet." "Thank you so much!" I say she hands me the bag of ties. I put 15 Galleons in her tips and walk out. There I see George. "We are heading to The Three Broomsticks for some butter beer. I'll meet you all there." I say, they nod, I walk towards George.

He smiles when he sees me. "Hey Baby." He kisses me quickly. "Uh oh what did I do?" He asks, "Ok we are dating. And there is a Yule Ball coming in 2 weeks. You haven't even asked me. Jus because we are dating doesn't mean you don't ask me to the Yule Ball. I know your romantic in their George. I want you to ask me. And also, get black robes, this is your tie." I hand it to him. I then hand him a load of Galleons. "Go get yourself some good and the best dressing robes then come up with something and ask me to that darn Yule Ball."

"Yes ma'am. I didn't know you wanted me to ask." "Of course I do George." I say looking at him and cupping his face. "I will always want to see that romantic side of my baby. I love you." I say it was the first time I said that. "I love you too.d he leans down and kisses me. "Get your robes ok?" He nods kissing me again. "I love you too." I smile at him and walk away, "Thanks for the money!" He yells drawing attention to us, I turn around as people pass us stare. I blow him a kiss a huge smile on my face.

I then head to The Three Broomsticks. I walk in to see Draco and his goons talking to Hermione and Ginny. I walk over to him, "What do you want Draco?" "Nothing." He says smirking. "Tell me." I whisper to Hermione. "He called me a Mud blood and Ginny a traitor." I nod, I look at Crabbe and Goyle. "Go now!" I say in a deep tone they instantly run away in fear. I take Draco by the back of his neck and drag him out, he was taller then me by a foot or 2.

I push him to the ground. "Leave them alone Draco. You don't want to mess with me." I say he gulps but doesn't stand down. He had his wand pointed at me. People began to stare at us. "Where's your wand?" He smirks, "I don't need one." I put n hands up, his eyes widen, I then throw him back. He lands in the middle of the walkway that was busy, people stop and stare. "Don't you ever mess with them again Malfoy." "Wait till my father heard about this!" He yells, I step forward glaring at him. He runs away. "Coward." I say, witches and wizards stare at me.

"Sorry to disturb you all." I say then walk back in with Hermione and Ginny. We all sit down and order a butter beer. The waitress comes over, a smile on her face. "Sorry about the disturbance." I say, "Don't worry. I heard what he said, these are on the house." I smile, "Thank you."

"So have you done an interview with Reeta Seeker?" "No we were suppose to do then the day after the champions got picked but she had to cancel. So we are actually doing it tomorrow." They nod. "I'm so tired." I say in a whining voice. "The past few days I have stayed up late doing homework and extra work." "Then go to bed early tonight." "I probably will." I saw back at Ginny. We all finish our butter beers then we head back to Hogwarts.

I head to my dorm, doing some more things and practicing spells. Until I pass out.

Another update, been so long. Wow. As my life starts to get more complicated with my senior year of high school and then looking at colleges and working an getting my license my life has been crazy. And this is one of my favorite books I've ever written but lately writing my books and updating them have been so hard. I used to update them on a week a few years back and now your lucky if you get them once a month. And I am so sorry for that. I really am. I feel up on Wattpad and this was my home, my safe place and where I felt most like myself and now I'm barely on it and I feel awful for not updating any books. I just honestly you all can forgive me. 🥺

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