Day 23

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⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Kinkmas Day 23 (Sfw)

TW/CW: warm Christmas feelings

Disclaimer: Happy Holidays!

Wc: 286

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

It happened again. There was another gift on your desk. Every other day you came to work. And strangely enough, it was something you needed. Like yesterday, you mentioned that you've been needing to get a certain book that you wanted to read.

Then the next day it is there on your desk. This time it was earrings that you wanted for a long time but never had the chance to buy. So when they showed up on your desk you were more than excited. You wanted to find out who this mystery secret Santa or secret admirer was.

You asked around, first with Derek. You asked him about everything but he denied ever buying anything. Next was Garcia, then JJ, Emily, Rossi, and lastly Aaron; but all of them had no idea what you were talking about.

So the final person to ask was Spencer. You pulled him to the side in private and asked. "Hey Spence, do you know who's been buying me gifts?" You questioned. His eyes went wide. "Gifts?" he clears his throat, "What gifts?"

You gasped, "So it was you! You're my secret Santa!" His cover was blown and he let out a nervous laugh. "You caught me," He says scratching his neck. "Why have you been doing that?" You needed to be straightforward to him now.

"I kinda sorta like you but I don't really know how to tell you." Spencer avoided eye contact and lip smiled. "Why don't you tell me over dinner tonight if you're free. I really like the gifts, Spencer." You give him a kiss on the cheek before walking off and saying, "Give me a call tonight about where we should go."

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⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

Kinkmas Day 23 (Nsfw)

TW/CW: mentions of drinking, a hangover, and sex

Disclaimer: Happy Holidays!

Wc: 199

⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰

The sex was sloppy but it was something. You faintly remember getting off while riding someone who gave amazing strap. But the only problem was that you could barely remember who it was with? You woke up with a splitting headache, mentally cursing at yourself for drinking so much the night before.

You sat up and tried to adjust to the light. That's when you noticed the brunette beside you. You panicked slightly trying to remember who you brought home. That was until your heard her voice.

"Fuck. My head hurts so bad." Emily groaned as she opened her eyes. Emily processed whose bed she was in before laughing to herself. "Oh, R/n? What a night.." You covered yourself with the blanket.

"You're a wild sleeper Emily." You couldn't lie as it was the honest truth. Emily sighed in defeat. "I can't really say the same for you. You were all over me." She flirted. You felt your face get hot when you shared a kiss with her.

"I make us breakfast." You spoke as both got off the bed and made their way to the bathroom. Emily pulled you into another kiss. "Maybe we should do round two?"

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