Steve- My Queen, My Knight (Royal!AU; Pt. 2)

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You smiled weakly and sat up, stretching briefly before bringing yourself to your feet. As you straightened, you nearly collapsed. Your legs felt like Jell-o and your heels were killing your feet. Steve shot up next to you and placed one hand on your back, the other on your arm. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah, just sore."

You chuckled weakly and bent down, taking off the heels and rubbing your feet, exhaling in relief. You straightened up and looked back at Steve, who was still supporting you. You smiled a little and stepped back from him, taking in your surroundings. "If the tunnel lets out here, there has to be some sort of safe house nearby. My great-great-grandfather may not have been a wise ruler, but he wasn't a stupid man."
"That's true. There also must be a reason this is where the tunnel let out, maybe there's a river or lake nearby?"
"Everything needs water to live, if we find animals, we find the water."
"Alright, we have a plan. Which way do you want to go?"

You looked around for the best direction, the least amount of rocks and roots or wildlife that could lead you to water. Thankfully, you spotted a small rabbit not far to your right. You pointed towards it. "That way. Thank you, dear bunny. I really don't feel like sleeping on the forest floor again."
"Always thinking ahead, aren't you?"
"It's kinda my job."

He laughed and you two set off towards the rabbit, following behind it carefully, which was hard to do in a ball gown. You walked for a while, watching the beautiful autumn leaves fall around you.

Steve trailed just behind, his sword drawn but his eyes focused on you, a small smile plastered across his face. You'd rarely left the castle grounds, your parents were paranoid something would happen to you, but now that you were out, he could see you smiling- even if it was faint.

You spun and faced him, glancing at his sword and back up at him. "My theory was correct."
"A river?"
"Just ahead, I can hear it. That probably means there's a cabin."
"Alright, let's go then."

You two walked up until you reached the river. Sure enough, down stream you saw a waterwheel, meaning there had to be some kind of building attached to it. You took off towards it, there were trees along the river bank, so the quickest route to it was through the river. You jumped in and got your dress soaked, but you made it to the cottage- splashing as you walked- much to Steve's dismay. "You couldn't have walked around the trees?"
"No. I took the direct route."
"The water must be cold."
"I'll live."
"Come on, get out."

He extended a hand from his place on the river bank and you took it, pulling yourself out while he smiled at you. You two walked around to the front of the house and pushed open the door with a loud creak as you stepped inside. It was old, no doubt about it, and looked like it hadn't been used it years, but it would work. Steve drew back the curtains on one of the windows and sunlight shone in, illuminating the dusty floors. He looked down at it. "I'll start sweeping, you go look for a change of clothes, I'm sure there has to be some around here."
"Yes sir."

He smiled at you and you saluted before laughing, heading up the stairs to the bedrooms- well, the bedroom. The entire second floor had been converted into one giant room.

You opened one of the windows- with great effort, mind you, that thing was heavy- and allowed the light to tumble in before looking for clothes. Thankfully, you found in a chest tucked away in the corner, that had to have clothes in it, right? "Please don't let there be moths, please don't let there be moths..."

You lifted the lid and smiled, no moths, but clothes. You pulled out a dress and a tunic and pants for Steve, apparently whoever was here last came prepared. You closed the chest and examined the two outfits, making sure they weren't damaged, before slipping off your wet dress and putting on the new one. There were more in the box, but these would do for now.

Marvel Imagines/One Shots (Book 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ