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Crimson flame. It engulfed everything in its path as she ran, scanning from left to right to find the source of the hellish cries that swirled in her eardrums. A bust gone wrong, the voice on the other side of the phone had insisted as she tightened her cherry red tactical belts and clipped on her mask. Her brother and his boyfriend had wished her luck as she left, and she pat one of the many cats that prowled the property before she rushed out of the door.    

When she arrived on the scene, it was supposed to be simple. Rescue the people in the building. Help them. The building was safe.

Now she feared that she may never see her family again. That may have been the last time that she'd pet Cleo, Fran, Miku, Tama, Soju or Nik's soft fur, the last time she'd hear Hizashi shouting his well wishes, the last time she'd take a deep inhale of the ever-present lavender candles that Shouta insisted on burning to try to make their lively home a place of peace. You two are too fucking loud, he'd grumble each time he'd come home in the middle of the night from a patrol, only to settle on the couch next to the arguably louder person between the two of them and nuzzle into his chest. Maybe that was the last time that she'd see the two of them so happy together. She would never be able to properly thank them for what they'd done for her when she needed them.  Present Mic was known for being loud, if not vaguely irritating, but (Y/N) often wished that people knew of his capacity for kindness and patience with his younger sister, as well. 

 She shook the thought away and raised her forearm to her face, trying to wipe some of the sweat off of her furrowed brow. There was too much fire... it was everywhere, swallowing everything in its vicious path and roaring loud in her ash-kissed face. She could still hear someone- there had to be someone left in here. She couldn't leave them. Frustrated tears started to fall from her (e/c) eyes before she finally saw some movement- a bloodied hand outstretched from behind a bookcase. It must've came down when the top level of the building collapsed. Her heart pounded as she lunged forward, moving to grasp the hand, anything to let them know that she was there and she would help.  Even if it was the last damned thing she did, she would help.  She would be useful.

 "Hey!" she commanded as she squeezed the hand. She could hear the person crying... the hand was small, delicate, possibly a woman's or a kid's, but she couldn't be sure. "Listen, squeeze my hand if you can hear me. I'm gonna move this thing and we're going to get out of here." She felt a squeeze and sighed behind her mask, an exasperated sound of relief. She took a deep breath in before she pushed the bookcase just far enough, and a little boy slipped out. His baby blue hair and tanned skin was darkened by ash. He looked up at her with wide purple eyes, his fingers clutched to one of the belts cinched around the hero's thigh. "It's alright, little one. Let me get you out." She grabbed her radio from her hip, pressing the button down. "Thirteen, I've got one more. Can Heartbeat see any more signatures?" At this point, this was a rescue mission more than a silly drug bust... one of the more important pros managed to make a bigger problem than a few quirk enhancers and inhibitor drugs out of this building.

"Bypass! There's two more on the floor below, can you get there? The stairwell's blocked and we're cut off here!" The man's voice was quiet, calm. Pro Hero Heartbeat's quirk was rather transparent- he could sense signs of life from a distance, making him incredibly helpful in covert and rescue operations.

"Yeah, Heart, I should be able to. Come here, honey." The tall (H/C) lifted the boy up onto her hip and fastened a mask around his face, carrying him as she managed to manoeuvre her way down to the lower level.

"Please help!" Another voice called, this one belonging to a woman. The panic scratched at her voice, ash no doubt coating her vocal cords.  "I'm here, where are you?!" She responded as the boy hid his face in her side. The heat was scorching, and she found herself wiggling away from the heat of the metal buckles on her costume as they heated up.  Perhaps that was another adjustment that needed to be made- heat resistance. 

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