☁️Family Time☁️

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Uh sorry for being gone for a long time again- I'm not really into madness combat that much- but I'll still continue this oneshots but tomorrow or today I'm going to make 2 cookie run kingdom story- One is Madeleine x espresso and the other is Sparkling x herb I hope you guys don't mind-

This is gonna be short since, my brain is dead and I need ideas-

Deimos: normal
Sanford: Bold
Hank: Italic (he's barely in this like 0.00000000000000000000000000001%)
2B: Underlined
Moros: Bold and Underlined
Thorne: Italic and Underlined
Akeldama: Bold and Italic

{2B Pov}

I've been working for at least over 4 hours, and hank and Thorne is trying to get me to take a break BUT I have to much work to do

"Are you gonna take a break now?"

I looked beside me and see Thorne staring at me

"When I'm done with all my work thorne.."

"You've been working for hours and you need to take break"

"Thorne, I said when I'm done with my work.."

Thorne looked at me and left my room, I sighed and thought that Thorne was probably right

Even tho Thorne isn't uh my child- I still take care of them, like any parent would do..

I stopped thinking of that and went back to working

{Thornes pov}

My dad has been working for 4 hours straight, I can always annoy deimos since he said I'm a demonic kid but right now, he is helping his boyfriend with some stuff

(Ok, quick pause- I forget to introduce another oc that's my friends- so yeah his name is 086 he can't talk blah blah blah he has a unicorn plushie- ok bye-)

I went to my brothers room, to talk with him or something, I opened his door and saw him just laying on his bed

"Hey brother"

"Yeah thorne?"

"I'm bored"

"Go annoy deimos or dad"

"Deimos is helping his boyfriend with something, one of our dads are working and our other who knows where they are"

"Hey guys!!"

I looked behind me and see deimos holding a chest

"What's inside of it??" I said

"Oh!! Theres some board games"

"Oooooo, cool!!"

"Do you guys want to play?"

"I'm down, but I don't think we should play board games- remember what happened last time?"

Flashback- 💀



"You did not just call me that..."

"What are you going to do about it?"

Deimos went to his room and got a gun- and started to chase my brother




End of Flashback-

"Oh- but still let's play"

"Ok whatever you say-"


Me, my brother, Sanford, and deimos went to the living room to play or watch some movies

"So what do you want to do first?"

"Hmmm I kind a want to play a game"

"I also want to play a game!! We should play monopoly. "


After 3 hours of playing

"Hmmm can we watch a movie now?"

"Yeah I wanna watch a movie"

"Ok you guys pick a movie I'll go ask doc and hank if they want to join us"

I watch deimos leave the living room to go ask both of my dad's if they want to watch a movie and meanwhile me, Sanford, Moros, and Akeldama looked for a movie and finally found one it was call "The Banana Spilts Movie"

After a few minutes Deimos came back with both of my dad's

"Ok let's start watch the movie you guys pick!! I'll go make so popcorn"

"Ok buddy"

We start to watch the movie while deimos was making popcorn

11:45 AM

It was already very late and we finally finished the movie.. It was very bloody and it did had a lot of violence but I still liked it.. I saw Sanford pick up deimos because he was asleep and took him to his room.. I rubbed my (non-existent) eyes feeling very tired..

"Come on Thorne I'll put you to bed"

My dad picked me up and took me to my room.. I got into my bed and tucked myself in..

{2B Pov} [short pov]

I kissed Thorne on his forehead and left his room.. I went to my room to go  to sleep

Ok that's all my brain is f#cking dead- I have no more ideas to continue writing I'm so sorry if their is any spelling errors and sorry if this is cringe/terrible- but I hope you have an amazing day <]


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