🥀I'm sorry.. (Sanmos)☁️

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The art was made by me and Im very sorry to keep you guys waiting I was working on some stuff to post on my channel- I hope you guys enjoy this.
^ ^

I forget this in the introduction-

Also at some point in this part, will have some sensitive topics, on Thorne..

Deimos: normal
Sanford: Bold
Hank: Italic
2B: Underlined
Moros: Bold and Underlined
Thorne: Italic and Underlined
Akeldama: Bold and Italic

[Swear warning]

Somewhere is Nevada..

Angst: 🥀
Fluff: ☁️

{Deimos Pov}

It's been a boring day in Nevada today, heck it's always been boring in Nevada just going on missions blah blah blah fighting with the AAHW, me being a annoying piece of shi- wait what-

"Hey Dei"

I snapped out of my imaginary world of mine and got up, look at the person who called me

{Sanfords Pov}

"Hey Dei"

Deimos got up and looked at me

"Oh hey there Sanford"

"Do you need anything bud?"

"We're going on another mission"

Deimos start to get annoyed and I get it because Me, deimos, and hank mostly go on missions at least 5-7 times but we have to go on missions

{Deimos Pov}

"Ugh, fine I'll go get some stuff.."

I got up from the couch and went to my room to go get so stuff and I totally didn't trip on something while trying to get my gun, and I hit my head on the edge of my bed-


Then I got hit with a frying pan- wait-

"Stfu and Hurry up"

I look beside me and saw moros having the frying pan that I literally got hit with

"Sheesh ok ok"

"And you better not do anything dumb"

"Come on Moros, you know me!!"

We both just stared at each other

"I should get going-"

I left my room then went outside and got into the truck to wait for Sanford and hank and probably Akeldama who knows

A few minutes late I saw Sanford get into the driver's seat and hank getting into the back of the truck

A few hours later

{Still Deimos Pov}

It's been 5 hours and we're still not at our destination..


"So what?"

"I- uhhhh-"

I looks at my bf and wait for him to say something


I chuckled

"Your bad at starting a conversation" I chuckled again

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