Chapter 8

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Lucy's POV

"Hey Lucy you called?" Gray said when i called him.

"A-ahm i just wanted to say that uhm.. S-see you later!"

"See you later! I love you!" >//////< that really made me blush. Should i say I love you back? Whaaa... there was a silence until--

"I uhm.... Iloveyoutoo!" Then turned off the phone >___< whaaa i hope he didn't understand because i said it very fast.




I wore a white tube top then a black skirt with a pair of sandals then i tied my hair into a messy buna and left some strand of my hair infront.

"Gah, i hope It'll turn out well this night" i said before i left my house.

I stood infront of the restarant that Gray and I supposed to meet. I glanced at the side and saw Gray fixing the table and i let out a light chuckle. I was about to step inside but somebody grabbed my arms and covered a hanky in my mouth. I didn't breath because i knew that i was being kidnapped,

I'm running out of air and i couldn't help but breath the hanky. I glanced at Gray sitting down while smiling maybe he's waiting for me already until everything went black...


Gray's POV

Everything is set and all i need is my date. I can't help but smile when she called awhileago and said the 3 words and 8 letters. After a few minutes of waiting, i looked at my watch. Lucy should be here now but 30 minutes has passed and she's not yet here. I looked at the window-since i sat in the place next to the window- until i saw a group of boys holding a girl.

"Sht." Is all i just said. It was Lucy their bringing. I went out of the restaurant and tried to catch up with the van but its too late. They already put her inside the van. I turned around to get my things but i stepped on something.

Sting Eucliff, Sabertooth Academy

"Tch. That bastard" was all i could say.

Normal POV

"Mm. Where am i?" Lucy muttered as she was placed in a chair. Hand tied at the back also the feet. She noticed that she was in a warehouse until she heard footsteps coming closer to her place.

"So your awake now my dear Lucy." Lucy was shocked when he heard that voice. The voice that have cheated on her. She can't see him because the only light in the warehouse was placed on top of her.

"What are you gonna do me?" She said with eyes full of anger towards the man.

"Heh. Simple. To you to get back with me and take revenge on Gray."

"What?!?! What about your girlfriend? Why did Gray get to be involved in this?!?! And get back with me?!?! A big no Eucliff!! You hurt me once and i won't let you hurt me again!" Lucy's voice echoed inside the warehouse.

"That's very rude of you. Gray really IS involved in this because he did something that i'll never forget. Maybe this is not yet the time i should be telling you why." The man said as he drew closer to Lucy.

When he reached her, he knelt down to face Lucy's face and stared Lucy for seconds. He can't stop and kissed her but Lucy's head faced down that's why he only kissed the head.

The man stood up and said with an evil smile "heh. I knew you would do that."

"Go and get Gray over here and let's proceed to our new plan." He ordered his companions. Once again, he knelt down to face Lucy sitting on the wooden chair. "I'm sure you'll like what's gonna happen to your dear suitor once he get here *evil smile*"

"You bastard!!" Lucy said and spit saliva on the man's face. He cleaned it afterwards. "I think i deserve that one. By the way, sorry i gotta go. I hope you'll look forward what's gonna happen. Later Lucy!" The man waved and went out.

"YOU BASTARD STING EUCLIFF!!!!" shouted Lucy which made an echo inside and cried afterwards as she remembered what happened one year ago.

A/N: Well if you remembered sting, you should be able to understand this chapter. If you didn't understand, go back to my other account @iloveexochen and reread the 1st chapter :D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2015 ⏰

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