The maid grabbed the rattle his sister dropped and then brought it over to her, forcing the object into her small grip.

"Why can't you be like young sir!" the maid muttered as she glanced his way. As she did, he averted his gaze.

'Well, I guess I wasn't too much. Athanasia, on the other hand, is quite loud and active when she has the chance to be. It's very amusing.'

While he would much rather laze around, staring idly at the ceiling, she would be actively trying her best to move around as though she was actively trying to escape this place, and if she was, he couldn't think why she would. After all, they were nothing but babes. They needed to be taken care of, at least for now, seeing as they could barely even lift their heads up.

The maid went back to the chair she was seated in to watch over them once again.

While Athanasia had other plans, she didn't keep the toy in her grip. Well, he couldn't blame the baby. He himself didn't have much of a grip, so he wouldn't expect her to have one either. You'd think the stupid maid would get that in her skull.

He then heard Athanasia drop the toy once more as she made a sound "Uwaa", bringing it to his attention. Once again, he moved his neck in her direction. He watched as she turned over onto her stomach.

'Oh, she can do that already? I need to start moving around as well. I can't let my little sister get ahead of me now, can I'.

"What's wrong now?! ugh! I already have my hands full with all this sewing," the maid spat out as she was forced to leave her seat again. She put her stuff aside, draping over the side of the chair as she placed the needle gently on the cushion of the royal blue chair.

Athanasios, too, started to wiggle about. It can't be that hard to turn over. Only a few seconds later was he able to do the same as his sister had done. Again, he took a glance in her direction and gave her a gummy smile, which, surprisingly, she returned. She was trying to head in his direction, only for the annoying maid to get in her way.

'Oi! Move it, my cute little sister wants her brother!' he tried to shout out, which only came out in gurgles.

"Here, let me help you", the woman muttered. Well, that's a first... 'help'?

He watched as Athanasia moved away from the woman's outstretched arms, "Nyo", the baby sounded out.

"Are you bored with it now?" The maid questioned Athanasia. As she crouched down to the ground in thought, looking towards the rattle, Athanasia couldn't hold in her grip.

Athanasia was sprawled flat on the floor. The maid sighed as she picked up the youngest of the twins, "Let's lie you down", the maid said as she walked over to the white crib, doing just as she said.

Using the little neck muscle he had, he looked up to the maid himself, "Ah?" he sounded out, bringing the attention of the maid towards himself.

She sighed.

"I suppose I'll lie you down as well. You must be tired of doing nothing over there. I guess it's about time you do nothing in your crib as well", she whispered under her breath as she walked in his direction, picking him up gently.

She then placed him in the crib that was set beside the crib of Athanasia's, the right side of her crib, hers being on the left. Both their cribs were situated in the middle of the room.

He loved the crib; it was so warm and comfortable, a perfect place to do absolutely nothing.

He didn't even care if the maids hated him. He was just glad he was able to relax with such luxuries.

He stared upwards at the mobile that had little shapes hanging off it tiredly...'Now I see why babies like these.'

'Yeah, this is nice... I think I'll take a nap right now', he thought as he finally gave in to his heavy eyelids and closed his eyes. Unknown to him, jewel blue eyes stared at him curiously through the gaps of his crib. It was Athanasia.

'He looks so peaceful. Too bad he doesn't know what the future holds' his sister thought as he slept.

Athanasios was unknown to his new sister, Athanasia being a reincarnated soul just as he is.

Athanasia stared at her new brother with many thoughts. It hasn't been long since they were born into this world. At first, she was confused about how he was here... Athanasia didn't have a twin brother, did she? it was all confusing. She couldn't help but think maybe he was supposed to die at birth, or maybe he died later on as life went on, or just maybe he wasn't supposed to be in the same palace as him.

She looked away from her new twin, wishing her presence here, in this world, was just a dream- it had to be or else she had an impending death awiting her in the future.

'This is crazy', she thought, as her brother was sound asleep.

Many minutes later, the door burst open, waking Athanasios from his peaceful slumber, 'huh, what?'.

He woke up from the door being burst opened, 'great, is it that girl again? Why must she always do this? why couldn't she just open the door like a normal person, and she always does this when I'm taking naps too.'

"Prince! Princess!?" the maid yelled, a different one to the one that was in here before he had slept off, he could tell by the voice.

'Where did the other one wander off to?'.

The maid made her way towards Athanasia's crib with the rattle in, handpicking it from the floor she had let it on. 'Now that I'm looking at it again, why is it so... you know 'extra' looking', with how shiny the rattle was, but then again, he forgot the whole 'royal' thing.

"The head maid said our budget is low. You'll just have to play with this." the maid said frantically.

The maid went back to the seat the maids usually sat at and began to sew just as the other maid had done previously.

"I won't coddle you if you start crying. I'm really busy right now! Even your brother doesn't cry as much as you," she called out towards the princess, so they could hear her. Which Athanasia scowled at.

'Does she expect us to even understand her? and it wouldn't kill her to be nicer... you'd think living a life with a title such as 'prince' or even 'princess' would get you great treatment, but nope here we are with a 'low' budget, how lovely this is' he thought dryly as he stared up at the mobile with wide eyes, eyes the exact same as his sister's.

'Great, I'm not even tired anymore. What am I supposed to do then?!'.

'I could be rocking to music right now to help me fall asleep if I still had my AirPods, but no, here I was as a baby who couldn't even walk yet. It's not like they even had electronics here either.' He thought in despair. No more playing games, no more scrolling on TikTok for hours, no more online shopping out of habit, no more reading manga- no more anything! 

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