Chapter 1

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He was laid on his back, staring idly at the glamourous ceiling that was above him. There wasn't anything on his mind other than the thought of how someone would have had the time to decorate it to be so, but then again, they'd definitely be getting money for such a thing... he wouldn't mind doing so either if he'd get paid a lot. Money, after all, was a step to happiness one way or another.

Well, He couldn't exactly complain about it. It was at least it's attractive to the eye, seeing as he had to see it every single day. He wasn't exactly able to move around all that much, although it was inevitable.

He couldn't say he hated this life. It was quite obvious he had been reborn into a rich family- well, not just rich. Even if he had yet to see set eyes on his parents in this world he was in, it was fine.

All he had at the moment was a nanny called 'Lillian York' and some maids that couldn't be bothered to do their job properly.

This life was definitely better than the last one he lived, seeing as he was rich; He could already imagine the number of adventures he'd be taking even if they were small.

Seeing as he wasn't born into just some ordinary world, well, supposedly, it was ordinary in some respects. Although it's just very different to the world he had lived in before... very different.

He, along with his sister, are royalty.

'It was weird... me royalty? it sounded like a ton of work and felt strange having such a heavy title at such a young age.' He had thought once he had found out.

'I am Prince Athanasios, and my sister is princess Athanasia.'

When he learned of his sister's existence not too long after he finally gained consciousness, he couldn't help but wonder if they had any other siblings once he had figured out his situation of him being reincarnated...

'Athanasia and I are twins... royal twins.' It sounded weird for him to think it. He knew it would sound just as weird to say the words himself.

He didn't remember much from the birth; He just knew that the woman who gave birth to them both had died. He didn't exactly hear anything that was said around. He fell asleep, exhausted from all the screaming he had done from such a scary experience... being birthed does that to someone.

It was a shame he was no longer in the 21st century but in a new time. His name was no longer Carson, but now Athanasios-

He broke out of thought when he heard the rattling. He struggled slightly as he tried to turn his head, only to see his new 'sister' watch as her rattle rolled away from her... how unfortunate. She started to struggle a bit in place, with her wobbling and wiggling side to side, obviously having some trouble.

'... It was weird to think of her as my sister'.

Yet, he was happy to have one. In his previous life, he didn't have any siblings. He basically only had one parent looking after him.

His parents had gotten a divorce before he was born, and not too long after, during his mother's pregnancy, his father got in a car crash, which in fault killed him, never getting the chance to meet his unborn son. So, he didn't get to experience that fatherly relationship that others may have had.

"Oh, what a bother. How clumsy can one be? She keeps dropping it. Don't be a nuisance and play quietly with your toy, miss!" the maid that was set to watch over them snarled at his sister, Athanasia.

Ahh, that was one thing he hated about this world... his sister and himself are apparently hated to a certain extent, and he's still trying to figure out why... 'Was it because are birth killed our mother?'

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