004. Filling in the Blanks..

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Behind Wendy's mind played a thousand processes of casualty and appreciation of current prospects. A speed sprung out of habit, two thousand visited universes would do that to someone's mind occasionally, and carried her thoughts across everything and anything remotely possible to explaining the current dilemma of Universe 2714. Daredevil is here, Wendy came face to face, far too close to the physical realization. Not only was the close encounter bad news to her usual rituals in documenting universes which are not her own, but it also helped raise a couple clear ideas that did not fit the overall picture she made for herself so far: though she thought they were far into the future of Earth and expected to see some new heroic figures, she was faced with one of the "classic" ones, someone almost as ordinary to a Multiverse traveler to spot as the Avengers.

As if she was mentally collecting cards out of the good people and the bad ones, Wendy felt a little sigh of disappointment breaking out from behind her lips. Nothing I haven't met, oddly enough.

"Who the hell are you?" Daredevil spurred his words through a defined snarl, staring the two down from underneath his mask's edges. Blank, red covers which marked the position of his eyes glared, while the horns on top of that remaining black mass covering his head threatened silently in a shadow. His entire costume, almost as dark as the wall itself, would have blended perfectly into the ambiance of the edges of The Capital, were it not for the two, discreetly thin, but brightly crimson D's on his chest armor. 

Peter felt the baton vibrate out of his hand. He did not hold onto it too tight, because frankly, if he had always been confident, as Spider-Man, about something, that surely was his ability to rely on his top notch reflexes. The black and red baton flew out of his hand, magnetically cold back to the palm of Daredevil's hand. 

Back in his world, Peter started remembering clearly due to Sierra's little spell, he was friends with Matt Murdock aka Daredevil. Or at least acquaintances, he flattened a smile, nothing the strong magnetic mechanism hidden under the boxing structure of his suits' gloves, I'd like to believe that.

Catching his first baton back, Daredevil stepped off the concrete railing and onto the same roof as the trespassers, who, once again, Wendy could not tell how he was able to identify, even with his acute senses and a knack for reading people through what they could not control with their bodies. "This city may seem big, but it gets considerably smaller once you have lived in it for as long as I did. I've never seen you two around, so start talking or I will start punching."

Oh, that's not good! Peter innerly exclaimed on the spot, while his outer reaction resumed to an immediate widening of his eyes, a hitch in his breath and a tightening of his newly alerted muscles. Last I tried to train with Matt, he folded me. Our senses clash and he's... a terrifying opponent. Half of his being knew that the only reason why he was suddenly worried about facing Murdock as the "big bad" of that universe was that he was responsible not only for his safety, which was separable from a mandatory status, but also Wendy's.

Peter's minuscular flinch forward snapped Wendy into action. She turned to him first, a hand over his chest, pressing against the poor material of the shirt he picked from 2709. "Let me do the talking this time."

Of course, Peter's thoughts slapped himself with an avalanche of common sense. Last I tried to talk to another universe while with you, I apparently moved an apocalypse forward by a couple years. He did not argue back to Wendy's whisper, therefore, she was able to return her attention to Daredevil.

"My name's Wendy," she courteously greeted, alas with a relaxed attitude. Knowing Daredevil was able to read emotions which were unknown perhaps even to her felt like a test to all the knowledge she has gathered from being able to pass from universe to universe lately, before meeting Peter, without altering a single thing in her path. "This is my companion, Peter."

RIPPLE ( peter parker.. ) ✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum