"You ever gonna shut up about this?"

"Not until you start treating me like an adult and not a kid." I bite back.

Steve shifts and now sounds defensive. "I don't treat you like a kid..."

"No but you think I'm one." I retort. "I can hold my own Rogers."

He gives up on me at this point. "I'm too tired to argue with you, go to sleep – we'll talk about this more tomorrow."

I turn away so my back is facing him, feeling the irritation. Is he ever gonna trust me fully? He did leaving me. I close my eyes and hope that I can get some sleep, the rain being the only sound against the windows.

In the middle of the night I get up grumbling and palmed the table next to the bed, looking for my bottle of water. "Fuck..." I mumble as it slams to the floor.

"Language." Comes Steve's tired scolding through the darkness and I jump slightly.

"Shit, Steve – sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Nope...can't sleep anyway."

"Weather's diabolical tonight isn't it?" I yawn and turn on the lamp, causing us both to wince at the light. "Geez." I rub my eyes to try and get used to the light.

He adjusts his pillow (more like a brick if it's anything like my own) and leans back against it. "The price we pay for being fugitives."

"Freezing cold rooms and nowhere that does a decent cup of coffee" I moan. "You owe me Rogers." And now take a swig of water from the bottle I've retrieved from the floor.

He nods. "Yeah...I know..."

"So Nat and Birdman are where?"

"Italy and Belgium." Steve confirms.

i snort,  "Wow, and I had to get paired with you? I should've been sent to be babysat by Wilson."

There's a playfulness to my tone again as Steve chuckles. "You're always free to join him."

"I'm not allowed to leave your side remember. You're worried I'll get killed or something."

"No, I'm concerned that Ross will take you in."

I sigh. "If he does then he does. He's soon going to find out that I know something about him. I haven't served your head up on a silver platter to him yet. What's the time?"

He looked at his phone. "3.40."

"Wonderful..." I lean back, my head connecting with the headboard. "Ow."

"You should try and get some sleep."

"I'm wide awake now, so you're stuck for more riveting conversation with me."


He sends a quick text to Sam and Nat to make sure that they are still alive and then puts the phone on the side table. "And you're usually so talkative..." he states as he notes the obvious silence.

"Ok Rogers, what shall we talk about? Because we've already covered the weather." I gesture to the window where the lightning can be seen slightly through the curtains. "I swear if my parents were still here then they'd probably be going mad at the fact I've been reduced to this. My mother especially."

"You miss her."

"Everyone misses their mother."

He nods. "Yeah...they sure do."

"What was yours like?"

Steve shifts to get comfortable. "Probably one of the kindest women I ever knew. She was a nurse, so I guess it suited her."

"And what did she think about you taking the serum?"

He says nothing for a moment before answering. "Nothing. She died when I was eighteen."

I smile weakly. That's some information that I didn't know. "I'm sorry."

Brushing this off he settles down more now, I turn off the light to ease our eyes. "It's fine. I got over it a long time ago..."

More silence hangs in the air until I break it once more. "I honestly can't wait to get out of this place. It's bloody freezing."

"I know." he pulls the covers over us a little more and I shiver slightly. "Some decent food would be better."

"Ergh, what I'd give for some pancakes right now" I groan and roll over to face him. "Try and get some sleep."

"Bit hard to come by."

"Is it coz you're sharing with a giiiiirl?" I coo

"Shut up."

"So commanding, don't you ever get bored of telling people what to do?"

"Go. To. Sleep." He tells me in the usual slow and blunt tone. Just like he did when he instructed me to keep to the hotel until he got back from his mission.


He looks at me darkly, "I won't be so reasonable."

"Never known Captain America to not be 'reasonable'"

It's like we've just switched. Something has changed, sure we've been on the run. We've  been sharing a damn bed. My body just fitting close to his has me questioning myself. I want him to just reach out and touch me, but at the same time I'd also like him to fuck me into the mattress without a care in the world. My hands want to tug at his hair with urgency, his beard to burn right between my thighs. I've noticed his change in attitude over the time we've been running. He still likes to tell me what to do, to be in charge whether he's Captain America or not, but the whole new not giving a fuck is a turn on. Steve Rogers no longer wants to be the golden boy, so it seems, and he would soon be showing his darker side that was for sure.

"You don't know what I'm capable of..." he growls

I like to rise to a challenge. And this one I'm more than willing to do so.

"So show me?" 

Nomad (Steve Rogers)Where stories live. Discover now