Not His Woman, His Child

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Stark Tower, New York City, New York. August 2024.

Ana folds laundry on her bed in the room she shares with Steve Rogers. Her ex-husband and now fiancé. Their children running around the large main living area of Stark Tower, where he moved them 4 months earlier. In an effort to be close to Dr. Bruce Banner, who agreed to keep an eye on AJ. James' child growing steadily in her stomach. She's had no contact with him in 4 months but knows Steve talks to him regularly. She knows he asks about her and their child every time he talks to Steve.

She knows he misses her, she tells herself that she doesn't care but she thinks about him all the time. She misses him too but she hates him for what he did. Ana cried for a solid 24 hours when the doctors told her the baby she was expecting was a girl. Of course the child James fathered would be a girl. Her heart brakes slightly for the baby girl they lost 13 years ago.

Steve told James the news that night, James begged to talk to Ana. Ana listened quietly while James told her how happy he was that the baby was a girl, and that the loves her more than life itself.

Ana never said a word, unable to forgive him for what happened three months prior. His betrayal and her inability to reject him as her soulmate too fresh, too painful. She's chosen to move past it, forget him and anything that happened. Steve is the father of her baby as far as she is concerned. No one needs to know about that man who nearly killed her from a broken heart and the child he fathered.


Steve's voice bellows from the main living space. He was supposed to be spending the day with James. Ana agreed to bro time as long as she could be 'absent' while Steve and the boys bonded with their father, god father and James.

Ana pretends James doesn't live less than half a block away. Thankfully FRIDAY always tells her when James makes an unexpected visit to the tower. So she can lock herself in one of the spare rooms, rooms that used to belong to her family. Natasha, Clint, Samual, Thor.

FRIDAY? Ana speaks calming.

Yes, Mrs. Rogers.

Please tell my husband I won't come out until Mr. Barnes is gone.

Yes, ma'am.

10 seconds later Steve yells again. Get down here now woman.

Ana sighs heavily and throws the article of clothing in her hand onto the bed forcefully. Cursing him.

What Steven? Ana yells down to him.

Seriously? Anastasia Rogers get down here now.

Is he still there?


NO! She yells.

Fine, then turn on the TV. Channel 4.

Ana walks over to the TV and sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for the TV to switch on and the cable box to pick up. She presses the number 4 on the remote and waits again. Sighing deeply. Her eyes go wide as she see the TV. There is Sam, Samual Thomas Wilson, her best friend, her platonic soulmate, her baby's godfather wearing the Star and Shield. Officially accepting his role as the new Captain America.

It dawns on her, Sam in sitting down stairs. She runs out of her room and takes the steps two at a time. Sam laughs quietly and meets Steve's eyes with a grin before standing and catching Ana as she flies threw the air and into his arms.

You did it! She kisses his cheek. I'm so proud of you!!

He laughs, eh... Steve will always be Cap. He tries to shake it off like it isn't a big deal.

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