What did you do!? Steve demands answers as he pushes James away from Ana by his throat, pinning him against the wall. Steve notices James nose is bleeding too.

I... I... James swallows hard against Steve's hand, unable to say the words. What happened to her?

Zemo sets the tablet down he was reading, trying to find any information about what Ana is experiencing. This is what happens when someone rejects their soulmate. She'll die if this isn't fixed.

What the hell Buck? Steve spins back on James, releasing his hold on his throat.

James ignores Steve, and wipes the blood from his nose again. The bleeding? He holds up his sleeve, soaked with blood.

It seems you both will continue to slowly loose blood until there isn't enough for you to survive. You've been bleeding for over 24 hours correct?

James nods.

Her too. Sam wipes the blood from Ana's face again.

Christ James! Don't you think?! You said her other half can fix this. How do we do that? Steve asks Zemo.

One of you can, only her other half will know how. Zemo shrugs. At least that's what it says.

This is your fault! Steve pushes James against the wall again. What the hell were you thinking?

I wanted her to hurt, I wanted to break her heart like she does to me every time she picks you. James admits.

She didn't do any of this to hurt you on purpose. Steve walks away from James. Moving back towards Ana, he pushes his hair away from his face and glances at Zemo.

Is it possible for someone to have more that one soulmate.

Zemo is quiet for a moment, and then nods. Everyone is born with a soulmate, many people never find theirs. Ana found hers in James. But then she met you. Zemo looks at Steve, it seems it is possible for two people to form such a bond that they become soulmates. So yes, as in Ana's case. A person can have two.

Steve nods and kneels down next to Ana, her skin burning his hand when he touches her. So I'm the soulmate she created.

And I'm the one born for her. James continues, watching Steve and Ana. Realizing she never could have truly picked between him and Steve. Unless she does what she did, rejects him.

That explains why Ana hated being around the two of you at the same time. She used to say it fucked with her head too much. Sam shakes his head before continuing, no wonder Thor was her safe place.

And it would explain why Ana didn't die when Captain Roger's divorced her. She was only deeply heart broken but didn't die from it. Had James done it, because he was born for her. It would have killed her. Zemo explains.

She's picked Steve over me many times though, this has never happened. James wipes his nose again. Sam holds out a towel, James takes it.

True, Zemo stands and begins to pace. But when she picked Captain Rogers she wasn't rejecting you. She still loved you and couldn't move past you. She simply chose to have a life with him.

And now she doesn't love me? James asks, his eyes turning red burning from the tears building behind them.

She's trying not too. She opted not to accept you as hers anymore. Thus breaking her own heart trying to make it happen. She forcibly tried to remove you from her soul. Did you feel anything when it happened?

James nods, his hand moving his chest.

When people say someone died of a broken heart, it's true. It happens when a soul leaves it mate. By choice or death. Ana will die if she chooses to no longer love you. And you will die shortly after.

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