Chapter One

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(Bucky's pov)

It was movie night at the tower and I was watching The Hunger Games (Barton's choice) with everyone else when my phone rang. I saw it was Peter and stood up.

"You alright Buck?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, I've just gotta take this." I said while walking out of the room.

I got to the hallway and answered.

"Hey Peter." I said into the speaker, a smile on my face.

"Hey dad!" Peter's voice came through the phone, "Um, I have a bit of a problem."

"What's up?" I asked, slightly worried.

"Well, you know all the traps and nets and cool stuff we set up around my den to catch anyone that came in?" Peter asked.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Well, this guy came in and he got caught in one of the nets and he's stuck and I can't get him down without him seeing me." Peter rambled.

"Oh my god," I sighed, "Peter, why can't you just untie the knots like I showed you?"

"Well, he has a gun and I don't wanna get to close-"

"He has a gun!?" I yelled and Steve came round the corner.

"Who has a gun?" Steve cried.

"No one!" I shouted to Steve and he left with a confused look on his face.

"Who was that?" Peter asked and I focused back on my phone call.

"Oh, just Steve wondering why I was yelling about a guy with a gun." I sighed.

"Wait, Steve Rogers!? As in Captain America!?" Peter yelled.

"Yeah, that Steve."

"I'd love to meet him one day." Peter said.

"Maybe one day." I always said I would never let Peter meet the Avengers but maybe just Steve wouldn't be a bad idea.

"Really!?" Peter cried, excitement in his voice. "And Iron Man too?"

"Don't push it, Pete." I smiled. "I'll be there in ten minutes. See you."

"Bye dad!" Peter hung up and I went to the living room to get a jacket.

"Where you going?" Steve asked me and everyone looked up from the film.

"Out." I replied with, walking out of the door.

"You always say that, Barnes. Where are you really going?" Natasha asked.

"Nowhere." I smirked, knowing that was the most vague and annoying response to a question ever.

When I got to Peter's den, which was a warehouse that we had decorated and set traps about a while ago, I immediately saw the trap that had been set off. The ropes we had attached to a panel on the door showed us what traps had been set off when they moved upwards a little bit. One of the ropes had moved so I pulled it back down and I heard a thump from the next room. I walked in to see Peter crouched in the corner hiding from a guy all in black, lying on the floor next to a gun. I kicked the gun away and knocked the guy unconscious.

"You alright Peter?" I asked, holding my hand out to help him up.

"Yeah, thanks." Peter jumped up and ran to the fridge to get a juice box. "So what are we gonna do about him?" He motioned to the guy on the floor.

"I'll stay here with you and when it gets dark I'll take him out to an alley. Don't worry it'll be fine." I said and Peter threw me a can of lemonade from the fridge. I sat on the sofa and he came and sat next to me.

"Wanna play Mario Kart?" He asked, a big grin on his face.

"Sure, you set it up." I smiled, "I so gonna beat you."

"No you're not!" Peter cried, switching the game on.

About an hour later we had played six rounds and we were on 2 - 4. Me having won two rounds and Peter with four.

(Peter's pov)

I played a couple of rounds on my own after dad fell asleep. I was going to wake him up but I decided to leave him because he looked tired.

I wonder what an avenger does all day. I had asked dad if I could meet Captain America and Iron Man but he said no.

I'm named after Captain America. Peter Steven Barnes. Apparently my dad was his best friend in the 40s but then Hydra happened and he wasn't for a long time but now he is again.

I looked over to the guy dad had knocked out and thought 'how hard would it be to take him a bit further away from my hide out?'

I decided to try so I grabbed his feet and dragged him out. It was easy with my spider strength.

I was about halfway as far as I wanted to go when he started to wake up. Panic flared in my chest and I started to go a bit faster. I got down an alley before he kicked his legs out of my grip. He turned around and swung a punch at my head but I ducked out of the way. He tried to punch me again but I grabbed his fist and twisted it. He yelled in pain and I flipped him onto his back. He groaned, but still managed to look a bit surprised that he had been taken down by a ten year old. I kicked his temple and he didn't move after that so I wiped my hands on my jeans and turned around to go but I bumoed into someone. I was about to apologise but I looked up, saw who it was and froze.

Standing in front of me was...




Hi, here's chapter one x

I hope you like this x

I got the idea from mayaaa_black

So thanks for that xx

Ok so, bye xxx

I love you 3000 ❤

Peter Steven BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now