broken trust

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hehe..hiii hope you liked it heirs_of_darkness

It's been 2 years since the accords and all those fiasco, tony wouldn't say he's hiding from the team or anything. he's just hiding from a certain person from the team, more of a captain...

ever since steve longed his shield into his arc reactor, the trust he had for him...the pain was nothing compared to the abandonment he felt after that. he still has the shield after steve dropped it when he said it was his father's

he would have died that day if it wasn't for rhodey reaching him in time, his arc was really damaged and it took him almost a year to heal from the trauma, but he was able to with the help of his husband and two of his sons which were now 6 years old

they were both very smart, adopted before all the accords happened and he was planning on telling the team some day about his little hidden family, but the time never came and when they split up, it was eve harder

fury knew about it, the marriage. its gonna be 5 years now, they adopted peter and harley when they were 2. it was a little hard when you have to constantly live away from your family cause no one knows they exist except rhodey, pepper, and happy who were delighted to babysit when both of them were busy

everything was going well until rhodey came back with some news

"welcome james" stephen said as he opened the door for rhodey to enter "want anything to drink?"

"no thank you, where's tony and the kids?" he asked as he took a seat like he normally does when he comes over to his hidden house in the woods, fury helped make the place secure cause he's also protective of the kids and wants tony and the family to be safe

"he's putting them to sleep, is something wrong? you look tense" he asked as he brought a cup of apple juice for him, and sat across rom rhodey

"i do" he sighed "its not good"

"wh-" just as stephen was about to ask about it, tony waddled into the living room looking exhausted "hey tones, you good?"

tony looked up from the kitchen only now noticing rhodes presence "hey rhodey! didn't see you there buddy, how've you been?" he asked as he sat beside strange

"i'm good, tony....i came he with some news" rhodey said quietly making tony tense up

"what's that" he asked, voice wavering slightly and rhodey noticed, he gave tony a sad smile

"i'm sorry tony, i tried talking to them but...they wouldn't change their minds"

"rhodey what is it?" he rushed out, dreading what would come out of his best friends mouth

"the rogues...they have to live in the tower...and you have to watch them" rhodey's voice was soft and comforting, but it certainly didn't help their genius

tony's breathing picked up drastically "w-what?" his voice was filled with panic that both men got out of their chairs to comfort their billionaire

"t-they can't- i can't-" strange gently cupped his cheeks and wiped away the tears that he hadn't notice were pouring "it will be alright tony" he said softly as he kneeled in front of tony who had his knees up to his chest, hugging them tightly, trying to get his breathing in check

"yeah tones, we'll be there at all times, no one is going to hurt you or the kids...we'll never let that happen" tony smiled brokenly at his words "it hurts" his voice just above a whisper "i know tony...i know" rhodey whispered back as he gently went over to hug him, stephen joining soon after

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