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this was a request by heirs_of_darkness hope it was good

"they're gonna be wondering one day you know?" rhodey whispered, cuddled closely to the one and only genius "I know...but for now (sigh) let's just keep it this way"

"Alright darling..........stank" tony got up and punched him on the arm from where he can reach leaving rhodey to rub his painfully bruised arm with a pout

tony just chuckled and leaned in to kiss him to which rhodey gladly returned, after a few minutes of that they rested their foreheads together breathing heavily "let's wait and see how long it takes them" tony panted, rhodey just chuckled at his billionaire genius "of course tones, which will be in 10 years" rhodey laughed along with tony 

"now come on, sleep" tony gave him puppy eyes along with a pout "no! no lab today, you've been locked in there long enough with no sleep the past week" tony just huffed and got in bed, snuggling into rhodey's side with his face stuffed into the crook of his neck, rhodey sighed feeling comfortable and fell asleep soon after with a smile on his face

these 2 iron heads got married a few years before the avenger's thing happened and decided to keep that hidden so that it doesn't really cause problems, fury nor do the avengers know about this, and about a month or so they have already started teasing them about how they bicker like a married couple

...which they are

but the team still didn't know that so that's a plus

"tony.." rhodey called out threateningly when he saw tony about to get his tenth cup of coffee today from little to no sleep at all to which everyone's aware, tony slowly turned around, cup in hand with bags under his eyes, and smiled slyly at him

"that's it, you're on a time out. to bed" rhodey sighed as he got up and turned around only to see an empty cup on the counter and no genius in sight

he pinched the bridge of his nose and left off to the direction of the lab "Friday you better keep his lab open" he muttered and left

The rest just stared at the scene that just happened "they still look like a married couple" clint said as he watched what happened

"totally agree" sam said as got up and left to the kitchen for pop tarts "sam!! thor is gonna cause chaos if you eat his pop tarts!!" bucky yelled knowing exactly what he's going for and left after him, everyone just chuckled

just then fury burst through the elevator, everyone got up to take their weapons but put them down when they saw who it was ""

everyone looked at one another "in..his lab?" bruce said unsure, he looked around the room "where's James?" just then bucky and sam came from the kitchen "went after tony earlier to put him in bed"

"Friday, open up the security camera to where they are" Friday immediately did as told and on the screen popped up what they never thought they'd see

in the lab were rhodey and tony eating each other's face, kissing like there's no tomorrow

Tony was sitting on the lab table with rhodey in between his legs, grinding himself hard onto tony, they could literally hear tony groaning and moaning in the kiss with his hands gripping Rhodes shirt

tony broke the kiss and sucked in some air but barely could with what rhodey's doing, all he could do is pant and moan as rhodey went to his neck and jawline sucking onto the skin leaving dark hickeys


"you need sleep tony" rhodey husked out as he stopped sucking and kissing him, tony just started to whine, face flushed red

the team was utterly shocked with what they're seeing, and seeing tony whine for the first time was more than surprising, fury walked away to the stairs, and everyone followed without a word, they followed as he went in the direction of the lab

"STARK!" fury yelled as he got in the lab after Friday let him in "damn you Friday" tony cursed under his breath as he saw the entire team standing there

"mind explaining?" nat asked as she stepped forward, hiding her shock

they both looked at each other and held their hands, they turned  their attention back to the team

"look guys, we wanted to tell you but we just wanted to see how long you'll last without finding out" tony said as he looked at them with a sly smile

"we've actually been married for at least 3 years now" their mouths dropped to the ground along wth fury's "but there's nothing like that in your report" fury asked as he stared at the two in pure shock

"who do you think I am huh?" tony asked with a smirk, everyone just muttered something under their breath and left not wanting to deal with this but stopped dead in their tracks when there heard someone yell 


sorry with how this turned out, hope you like it though, ill try and make it longer and better soon, this was also made in a hurry 

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