Sixteen part six.

Start from the beginning

"Good morning," She started, clasping her hands together with a small as she stared at Mya and baby P, who were finally asleep side by side and covered with the same blanket, both had the same pouty lips. "You know, before you guys came along, he was the baby that hated for anyone to touch him. He was addicted so badly that he'll more than likely have issues down the road, what issues, we don't know yet. He hated physical contact. Even though we have the volunteer program, nobody would interact with him because he would scream in pain when anyone touched him. He's like a brand new baby when he's with you two. Mya is going to be an incredible mother, and it breaks my heart that she has no faith in herself." Dr. Smith said softly, sitting on her stool as I absorbed everything she said.

"How long were you guys together the first time?" She asked curiously, smiling at my shyness when I looked down at Mya's sleeping figure. "We were together long enough for me to know that she was the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with." I replied truthfully, feeling her stir before her stomach tightened and didn't ease. It took less than a minute for her to get up and in return, baby P woke up and cried properly for the first time, even though it was very faint. He wouldn't stop.


Swaying him back and forth on the floor in an attempt to calm him didn't work, he didn't need his diaper changed and as he cried more, all I heard was Mya trying to throw up to relieve the pain I knew she felt. "What's wrong? Hm?" I whispered, holding his head over my shoulder and singing a soft lullaby in hopes that would soothe his unexpected crying. Nothing helped and as I listened to both my girlfriend's and baby P's cries, I teared up myself. I was sure I was hurting him in some way until Mya emerged from the bathroom and he caught sight of her. His crying immediately stopped and he just stared with wide eyes, never making another sound. "Oh, I see how it is. You wanted her. You thought she was gone." I mumbled, making sure he could see her when she walked back over to me.

Dr. Smith looked at Mya with her head tilted, then at the baby I laid back down on the blanket and smiled to herself before she saw Mya lay back down in the same position except this time, my shirt that she had on was unbuttoned as soon as she covered herself and soon enough, it was halfway off her shoulders. She had a black sports bra on under it and I slowly inched the shirt down until it was behind her. Mya put her finger in baby P's hand and he gripped it almost instantly. My heart raced with nerves and excitement for what was come.

"He missed you Miss Mya," Dr. Smith said gently, watching as he stretched his body out again and made suckling noises when his eyes fluttered before he finally gave in and fell asleep. Mya however, was wide awake and winced at every movement and sound, even as she guided my hand to the upper part of her stomach and pushed it into her skin. Her finger stayed in place and she released a breath she had been holding since she laid back down. My eyes went to a thick scar on her shoulder blade and I was wondering where it came but before I could ask about it, another knock sounded through the room and John entered with a bag in his hand a few seconds later.

"Can I join the party in here? I heard it's pretty wild," He asked with a small smile and playfulness laced within his tone as he sat the bag down and laid on his stomach beside me, but directly in front of Mya's face. His elbows were propped up and he held a frown as he looked at his friend, who was glaring at him for no particular reason. She was staring at the item in his pocket and the silence that took over the room was deafening as she focused on the packet with her head tilted. "Stop staring at me like that. It's creepy," He whispered.

Rolling her eyes, Mya got up and walked over to him, attempting to grab the packet out of his pocket before he turned over on his back and handed it to her with his jaw clenched. "Before you put that under your tongue, you take a good hard look at ocean eyes over there. Look at the tubes he's connected to, look how much he's pain he's in because of his mother's choices. Suboxone is an opioid Johnson, I know you know that. Look at your man, who so desperately wants to help you. If you take that strip, your baby will be just like that one, and you know deep down in your heart that if your baby is born addicted, one, you wouldn't be able to live with yourself, and two, CPS will remove him or her as soon as they're born. Because both of you guys have issues with drugs, they'll go into the system. They'll go with strangers just like ocean eyes is doing. I know you, and that's not what you want." John was very calm when he talked to her, and watched her hands violently shake with a strip in between her fingers. "I brought it like you asked me. One of these days I'll stop listening to you." He whispered, slowly taking the strip and packet from her before he threw both in the trash beside him and stared up at her. She was playing with her hands.

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