I dont want to leave

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_Tommy pov_
I wake up to a bright light above me, a nice blanket covering me and a Deo who looks he fell asleep on the table that is right next to me.


Deo hearing his name gets up and sees Tommy looking at up at him


Deo then hugs Tommy

Deo:I'm so glad that your safe

Tommy:How-how am I still alive?

Deo then stops hugging Tommy and explains how techno and the kids helped him live.

Tommy:r-really?I should say thanks to techno and the kids...wait where are the kids?

Deo:oh they are downstairs

As soon as Deo says that they hear the door close.

Tommy:what was that?

Deo:I will go check

_Aspen pov_
Me and my brother and sister make it out the door way to see Karl standing at the door.

Karl:it's time


Karl:I'm sorry but you know I can't let you guys stay in this timeline forever you know

Aspen:Can't we stay abit longer?

Karl:I'm sorry but I can't do that

Aspen:Please let us stay longer!Irene and Eren have always been telling me stories of them and I'm finally meeting them

Eren:Aspen is right,he has never met Tommy and deo-i mean our fathers and sure they may be our adoptive parents but still!

Karl: I know I get it bu-

Irene:No you don't get it...ok listen the boys are right.Eren is right that sure they maybe our adoptive parents but they loved us as if we were their actual kids,plus they adopted Aspen when he was just a baby,also Aspen has never met them... since they died in the war!

They all looked at each other in silence until Irene spoke up.

Irene:fine we'll go but can we atleast leave them something?

Karl:hmm,I don't see why not

Irene then takes out a gift box out of her box and puts it in front of the door,after Irene is done putting her gift there Karl then takes out a pocket watch.

Karl:you guys ready?

The 3 kids:we're ready

Karl then takes the pocket watch and throws it on the ground to which it then turns into a green portal.

Aspen: good bye past

Aspen the jumps into the portal

Irene:I'm gonna miss them

Irene then jumps into the portal

Eren:...guess this is farewell,sayonara...dream smp

Eren then jumps into the portal,after the kids jump into the portal, the portal turns back into a normal pocket watch,to which Karl then picks up and walks away as if nothing happened.

_Deo pov_
I make my way downstairs to see the kids to be found no where.

Deo:kids?where are you?

Deo then decides to open the door to see a box and he takes it inside.

Deo then closes the door and goes back to Tommy.

Tommy:what's that?

Deo:I don't know...lets find out

Deo opens the box and finds a note and a picture in the box.

Tommy:what does the note say?

Deo:it says:'thank you for giving us a happy holiday and taking care of us-Irene,Eren,Aspen'.

Tommy then grabs the picture out of the box and sees 2 males,one wearing an orange shirt and one wearing a red shirt.The one wearing red is holding a baby in his arms and while the other puts both his hands a boy and a girl's shoulder.

Deo:who are they?

Tommy:idont know,maybe...they are the kids and their parents

Deo:yeah maybe...huh,Tommy the parents look like us.

Tommy:you're right...anyways did you like your Christmas gift?

Deo:I did sunshine.Did you like yours?


Deo and Tommy then both cuddle each other and fall asleep.

Heyheyhey author Unii here!I just wanna say sorry for posting late,I was playing minecraft and watching encanto.You should watch encanto it's a good movie.Anyways I will be making another dsmp story soon,it will be based on the Tommy's revival but different,you'll see.hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter,bye :)

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