"I prefer doing tonight but I have to call my parents to know if they agree."

"Okay. Do you want to call them right now ?"

"Yes please."

I grab my phone and I stop the music while Joana is calling her parents. She looks nervous about it. Suddenly, she starts smiling, I hope they agree. Joana hangs up a few minutes later.

"So ?" - I ask

"They agree." - Joana says, "The problem is they don't have money enough to buy everything." she adds

"I can pay for you."

"Wait what ?"

"I'm serious."

Joana looks so happy and she hugs me thanking me. I smile, we go back inside and we dry ourselves before getting dressed. 

"By the way, what do you want to eat tonight ?" - I ask

"Pizza !" - Joana replies

I giggle and I order pizza online. We start doing Joana's registration form for Christchurch university. I get out of the house to go to the pizzeria, I take the pizza I ordered and I come back. We finish the registration form and we start eating the pizza while watching a movie. Joana grabs two blankets and her teddy, I grab mine. She gives me one of the blankets and we continue watching the movie. During the movie, I feel something on my thigh, I see it's Joana's head. She's probably asleep. I watch the end of the movie, I take Joana in my arms and I go in her room. I put her in the bed and I put the comforter on her. I go back to the living room, I turn everything off and I go to my room. I lay on my bed and I fall asleep.

                             *Next Day*

I'm on the couch, Joana is still sleeping. I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't fall asleep again. I stop scrolling Instagram posts, I yawn and I turn the tv on. I also lower the sound to not wake Joana up. I'm so nervous about the interview of Marc. A few minutes later, I go back to my room, I get dressed and I brush my hair. I go out and I walk to the bakery. I buy bread and I come back to my house. I put the bread on the table, I prepare breakfast for me and Joana. By the way, I hear her coming. She smiles when she sees me, I smile at her. 

"Good morning." - She says, still sleepy

"Good morning." - I say

"Did you sleep well ?"

"Not really. What about you ?"

"Yeah I did. Why didn't you sleep well ?"

"I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep again."

"You should have woken me up."

"I didn't want to disturb you."

Joana rolls her eyes sighing. We eat our breakfast, then Joana goes to her room to get dressed. I clean the table and I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I grab my earphones, I start listening to Italian music, the singer I listen to is San Giovanni. I slump on the couch, Joana joins me and she laughs when she sees me. I take my earphones off laughing as well.

"Do you know when is Marc's interview ?" - Joana asks, sitting next to me

"Perhaps in afternoon." - I say, nervously

"Don't be nervous."

"I know, I try to stay calm."

Joana smiles, she turns the TV on. Actually Marc's interview is this morning, it just started. I sigh when I see him. We watch his interview and at some point, he asks Marc these two questions :

"Do you have a girlfriend ?" - The interviewer asks

"No, I don't have one." - Marc says

"Do you love someone ?" - The interviewer submits

"No, I want to stay focus on races and love isn't in my priorities." - Marc says smiling

My world is falling apart. I just want to yell at him and tell him what I think. I hate him so much right now. I grit my teeth and I clench my fists to stay calm. I grab my phone, I remove Marc from my Instagram and I delete his number. Joana looks at me worried, I smile at her to show everything's okay.  

"I go outside, in the city. You want to come ?" - I ask 

"No, I know you need to be alone so I will stay here." - Joana says, smiling

"You sure ?" 


I hug her and I get out of the house. I walk in the mountains all alone. I climb on a tree and I look at Queenstown from here. I sit on a big branch, I close my eyes and I listen to the birds singing. The wind blows through the trees and it grazes me. I always come here when I'm sad or when I'm angry. 

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