Coffee Endeavors

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May is reading Wuthering Heights, a good book, I think to myself. She reminds me of snow. Her complexion is pale, her hair icy blonde, her black eyes contrast to the rest of her features and her bone structure is somewhat defined. There's something peculiar about her. Like I'm drawn to her somehow. It felt like a minute since the lecture had started but it happened to already be over.

"It was nice meeting you," May smiles at me and gets up to leave but I grab her arm before she can, and I'm acquainted with her stare of confusion.

"Wait, do you maybe want to get a coffee? I haven't really made any friends around here yet and I-" I start to babble but May cuts me off before I can say anything else.

"Sure, why not, I don't have to be at my next class for another hour, I'm all yours," She replies, making me grin, so perfectly said.

"One latte please," May says to the cashier while she starts to get out her purse from her bag but I stop her before she gets the chance.

"Could you make that two?" I ask the girl at the counter and I get my card out of my pocket to pay.

"Sure." She smiles and I swiftly pay before May gets the chance.

"What a gentleman," She laughs and takes a seat by the window of the coffee shop and I chuckle while I follow her to the table she sat at.

"So, I noticed your accent, are you British?" May asks me, furrowing her eyebrows and leaning her head against her hand.

"Yes, I'm from Epsom, it's sort of near London," I nod and she makes an oh with her mouth.

"Two lattes?" The waiter holding the drinks places them down in front of us.

"Thank you," May and I both say in unison, making her smile. She has a great smile, the way her dimples show when she does so and how her teeth are so unusually straight baffles me.

"Hello?" She waves in front of my face and I'm shaken out of my daze.

"Yes, sorry," I reply, that's embarrassing.

"I asked you how long you've been in New York?" She questions, taking a sip from her coffee while still keeping her doe-eyed gaze on me.

"About a couple of weeks, not too long, what about you?" I return the question and she puts her coffee down while looking out of the window.

"Only since last week," May replies, still keeping her eyes set outside in the city. "And I thought I got here relatively early," She adds, making me laugh.

"Are you in a dorm?" I ask, and she shakes her head while picking up her coffee once again.

"Apartment, quite close to here actually. I like my own space as I get pretty overwhelmed by people most of the time," May looks down and an emotion crosses her face, sadness?

"I get what you mean, sort of. Well through theatre for me," I smile, in my attempt to reassure her on what she's feeling, somehow. She faintly smiles back and takes a glance at her watch.

"Shit! My class starts in 15 minutes!" May says while rapidly getting ready to leave. "Thank you, Andrew, the coffee was lovely, but I really do have to leave now," She chuckles while standing up to go.

"It's okay, I'll walk you back, I have to be there quite soon also," I say and her eyes light up.

"We'll probably have to run, if you come with me," May laughs, making me grin.

"Before we leave, could I get your number so we can maybe, hang out again?" I ask sheepishly and she smiles and hands me her phone.

May's POV:

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