The sorrow feeling

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Chapter 1
I hated coming here after what happened. June spring now just loomed a dark aura. I drove here to go to a ceremony placed in his name. I was scared to say his name
"Isabella ' summer ' Conner ' piper' and jace " Tylen said with a slow sigh reminding her self she knew her friends names
. Tylen had a shiver and turned the radio on. Turning the nob trying to find a good channel she paused on a calm radio host getting asked very annoying questions. She reminded her self she was here for jace the jace who went missing. No one found his body I never questioned where he went. Tylen turned the corner to her house. she passed the last house till nothing ness besides glooming forest dripping from fresh rain. She got to her home  the dull blue painted blue house peeked though the forest. She pulled up on the drive way and got out. The smell of fresh fallen rain and old paint gave her a shiver of fear.
" it's been awhile " Tylen  said before looking over the old house. One side of the porch has been flooded with dead sun flowers it gave a odd feeling of worry. Tylen pulled out the key her father gave to her
" Use this if you need " her father said " i will" Tylen said in a happy 6 year giggle. She never got to use those keys until now. She rustled the keys in fear as if she lost the one she needed now. She found the key putting it in the old rusted doorknob and the door opened with a unwelcoming screech . She jumped back in surprise but soon walked in. The room seemed to be to big for anything the tv looked so small like a new toy.  The tv had a loud static noise from not being used In Years. I tried to ignore it by going to my old room. I walked up the creek old stairs that have been neglected and dusted over by a small layer of dust grime and small shaven metals and wood carvings. I stepped on a metal Circuit Bored and picked up and placed it in my pocket wondering who this was going to be. Walking into a peach pale  room  greeted by one of dad's robot it once said " I love you Tylen" in dads voice now sounding like a broken disoriented voice of sorrow " iįłœvéÿœü"
"I love you to " Tylen  said in that same voice of sorrow . *vrrr vrrr* her phone buzzed in her pocket.
"You now understand that you made the mistake.which part are you sorry for?? Blaming me. Or getting angry for a small reason" A text from maurissa I sigh with anger and empathy . She put her phone away and looked around the room. The first thing she looks at is a rabbit it was covered in dust and dirt and faded by the sun it was hard to see what color it was it was in the corner of the room.

 The first thing she looks at is a rabbit it was covered in dust and dirt and faded by the sun it was hard to see what color it was it was in the corner of the room

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She walked over to it and brushed off a small piece of dust to see what color it was it's been so long sense she has seen this didn't do much a simple wave at most. It now can't wave due to time and age. The bedroom had things scattered around everywhere toys gears but mostly robots. Her dad made many robots they were creepy but really fun as she can remember. Most have been rusted to time others  broken. The room seemed lifeless until a robot was turned or triggered on. The pale peach room seemed empty but she took no toys her bed was a floor bed nothing could go under it besides pennies. She remembered playing with Pennie's sliding them under the bed seeing if she could toss them hard enough to Slide out the other side. It was a fun game but she had to move to a small house in a different town about four hours away. She got up almost stepping on a robot it was like a train it didn't have a face well it was a train and it rolled on a track around her bed unfortunately it had stoped right in front of the bed . Walking over the train she got up and walked down the creek old stairs and to the car she reached into her pocket and grabbed her keys. She got in and started driving to the park her and her friends were meeting up at.
" sun moon park " she said repeatedly said to reassure her self she knows where she's going. She starts to worry that her friends looked different now knowing it's been 11 years we are all seventeen. She starts to remember jace playing at fastime pizza writing on walls and sticking gun on the table .
"Isabella ' summer ' Conner ' piper' and jace" she said again still afraid she mite forget one. She pulls up to a park but doesn't get out just yet she looks around to see Isabella in a dress as she has her blond hair up in a ponytail. Connor has his hair long at the edges and all messy everywhere else he looked almost like he did when he was six.  Summer she was in a suit and had her hair down she was always very messy but now she was crisp clean. Piper he didn't charge sill one of the tallest in the group and had puffed black hair. He still lived in June spring he never moved.she got out of the car Isabella squealed and ran to tylen at full force.
" OH MY LORD it's been so long where did you go ? How are you? Do you remember me!" Isabella said excitedly and with passion. Isabella was scrambling on about her great life as a model and a writer while Connor and piper looking like they just had Heard the digits of pi. She was happy to see them again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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