12 Jasper

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I woke up an hour before my alarm. Today was the day I would get Jasper. I couldn't wait to see her. I couldn't sleep I was so excited.

I had set my outfit out the night before on my table. Sitting up and pulling my jeans on I put also put on the boot just so nice could walk around this morning to get ready.

Heading to the bathroom I do my makeup the same way I did the day I arrived. It was my go to look for Yule. Brushing out my hair I leave it down to fall in a cascading waterfall down my back. Heading back I to my room I pull on my 'We Celebrate Yule Not Your Pathetic Christmas And BTW Merry Solstice You Thieving Christian Bastards' long sleeved shirt.

Slipping my studded belt on, I pull on the spiked chocker Ember gave me last year. My head phones take their normal place around my neck after I attach my hip pouch.

Putting my phone in it, I take off the boot fory ankle, before switching into my knee high Converse. Shrugging on my witchy cardagain I grab my crutches and head I to the kitchen.

"It's taken me an hour and half to get ready, we need to leave at 4 to get there by 5 so we are on time to pick up Jasper

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"It's taken me an hour and half to get ready, we need to leave at 4 to get there by 5 so we are on time to pick up Jasper." I rambled to Tony taking my normal seat handing my coffee mug to him.

Finally looking up, I see Bucky is actually the only one in the kitchen,

"Uh sorry I thought you were Tony." I tell him.

"It's alright. He just left to get dressed. How do you take your Coffee?" Bucky asked.

"Black unless I make it myself." I told him.

"Here you are. About what Sam said yesterday." Bucky started.

"If your going to agree with him then don't bother. I will just stab you too." I told him.

"No, he was out of line, but he grew up in Louisiana as a black man. Give him some credit." Bucky tried to defend.

"Harley grew up in Tennessee, and doesn't have a problem with mine and Jasper's faith. Please don't use religion as an excuse." I told him.

"I won't then. You remind me of Steve when he was your age. But you look like Blair. A little more Russian and Irish in your looks now but still Blair." Bucky said.

"What was she like?" I asked him drinking my coffee.

"Blair was kind, and compassionate. Stevie and I were her only friends growing up. He was Irish and Catholic, while Blair was Christian and Scottish. I was Jewish, I gave up on religion after getting free from Hyrda." Bucky started. "Blair always made sure we were behaving. She would make Steve's family sweets because she wanted to. She kept her friends close and we did everything together."

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