The First Day Of School

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One day I went to school and I met my new teacher Mrs.hood. I saw some new people there. There names are Ameer, Bailey,  Tanya and Kyle. They were very nice. I met my friends from last year and I will be able to play with them. They are so funny.  My teacher is very nice. She let us get candy out the cabinet. We play on the computers. She is very easy to use. My friend Dontray is so mean. One time he put my friend ka'sheef phone in the toilet. But he never would do that to me because we are very close. Gets what ma and dontray and kasheef have the same girlfrien. So dontray said we cant be friends anymore unless all of us brake up with her. But I said no because I might hert her feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2015 ⏰

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