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Winter— beginning

The following winter arrived in fast. It's already been a year since they reunited. Geto would always be on Gojo's doorstep every day like he didn't have any work to do. On the other hand, Geto focused his attention on the lad and never admitted outside work other than his previous clients before Satoru.

Just like every other day, Gojo would wake up, and the first thing he'd do was open his window only to perceive Geto outside, leaning on his car and waiting for him to wake up and welcome him. Though his vision was limited and sometimes blurry, he knew from the silhouette that it was the person he was hoping to see.

Like today, Geto is there too... he's always there no matter what the season is. The torrid impressions of the hot summer were nothing... the warm morning and cold nights of fall, the cold embrace of winter and the warmth that comes after it, spring... He's always there.

Gojo shut the window harshly, preventing the snow from getting inside his room to compose his flustered expression like Geto wasn't doing this kind of stuff for a year now— for him to feel the same thing similar from the first time.

Geto chuckled to himself, seeing Gojo shut the window, 'cute.' He wasn't finished beaming by himself when Sayuri opened the gate and was about to check her plants buried by snow, "Suguru-kun? Gojo's still sleeping. Why don't you go inside? You're going to get sick if you stay outside for too long while it's snowing."

He ran to the woman, bowing at her, "That'd be a pleasure. What about you, Sayuri-san? why were you outside?" He stopped and looked around, confusing the lady, "It's not quite nice weather to take a walk in thin clothes."

"I was just planning to transfer my plants inside. Yer knows, I got too busy and forgot, then the snow started falling last night."




The next thing he knew, Geto was carrying the big pots one by one inside the house, but he didn't mind since the relationship between him and Satoru's family is open. The Gojo treated him as a family either because he and Satoru are inseparable.

There are times that they won't be able to meet because Satoru's father's home in the meantime; Gojo would whine for him to come over to his room, but sometimes when he's there, Gojo wouldn't utter a single word to him.

(flashback before winter) SUMMER

Geto tried to reach out for his ringing phone placed on top of the nightstand. As he failed to answer the call, a few message notifications from Satoru spammed on his lock screen, "come over."

"Dumbass, come over. My parents are sleeping." He laughed, imagining Satoru sneaking to text him. Geto decided to reply after wiping his face awake, "well, of course, they'd be sleeping... It's 1 in the morning, Satoru. And go ahead and sleep. It's bad for your eyes."

"No." He was about to reply again when Satoru asked for face time. "Come over," was the first thing he said.

"I can't... I'm..." saying he's exhausted might make Satoru feel bad. "Yeah. I'll be there in 10. Don't open your window until I tell you, alright?" Satoru ended the call after being satisfied with the lad's answer.

Geto sighed with a smile on his face when he saw Satoru's text after the face time, "Okay...♥."

It didn't even take ten minutes for him to arrive. He successfully climbed the second floor and entered the lad's room, and Geto was confused to see Satoru sleeping soundly. "Then who opened the... Geez, you never listen. I told you to only open it once I text you."

7 wintersOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz