"Ok you have an hour to finish your Calming Draught potion." I grab everything we need. "Ok first you have to chop the lavender in squares, then let it sit in the coudren for 8 minutes while stirring counterclockwise slowly." I say, doing exactly that. "Harry don't touch anything! You put that in the couldren now and it won't work. Patience Harry." I tell him as professor Snape walks around. "Mr. Potter I don't see you working with your partner." He says, "That's because Professor I am cutting the lavender." He just glares at me and walks away. I put the lavender in and Harry begins stirring counter clockwise. I set a timer for 8 minutes. "So have you talked to him yet?" Harry asks, "Who?" I ask, "Sirius." Harry whispers.

"Oh, no I haven't." "He might want to write soon." I nod. After the timer goes off I look at the next instruction. "Put in a crocadiles heart in stripes. Stir clockwise for 5 mintes." I quickly do as it said, i put them in and stir it clockwise. "What does it say next?" I ask. "Put 3 sticks of peppermint in, one at a time, stir counter clockwise 10 times, then clockwise 15 times, then counterclock wise once again 25 times." "I'm lost." Harry says, "Ok, you put a pepperment stick in one at a time first you stir 10 times, then you put another one in stir 15 times and the last one 25 times." He nods.

Once the timer goes off once again he puts the peppermint stick on, I begin counting. "Ok next one." I say, he puts it in, i begin counting again. "So-" "Shh!" I say, almost losing my spot. "Another one." He puts it in as i begin to count. When i was done the potion was a light blue color like it should be. The professor comes around and looks at the potion. "Potter did you do any work at all?" "Yes sir." "Ms. Black, did you cheat." "No sir. I followed the instructions as it said sir." He just walks away. "Ok class, I want a full parchment page on this Calming Draught potion due, Friday." Then he dismisses us.

When I got back to the common room I got out some parchment paper and began writing a letter to my father.

Hi, I'm sorry I didn't send a letter when I arrived at Hogwarts, it got busy, but I am now in Gryffindor! Just like you! I am so happy, Harry now knows that he is my sort of brother. And then Professor Moody said my last name in class and now the whole school knows about me. No one has been mean to me about it, and if they did I would punch them. Well the Ministry is probably intercepting letters, that sucks like what if something happened and you send a letter and then the whole ministry knows about it. It makes privacy almost impossible now. I just hope it is going to blow off soon. But Hogwarts has been good so far. Hermione is an amazing friend, she is awesome. Harry is the best too, and I thought you might want to know, but I kind of snogged George on the train, then here in school. But don't worry, he is awesome! I promise.

I almost forgot about the Triwizard Tournament, It is being held here at Hogwarts! I don't have a good feeling about it but it may pass. Durmstrang and Beaxbaton school is coming here October 31st. I didn't really have friends there so I am not worried but do you know what I am worried about!? Me! I am half veela and when they arrive my hair is going to turn blonde! I look terrible with blonde hair! Though only have changes I still hate it! I can't even put a spell on it to make it not change! God it is really annoying, the same thing happened at the Quidditch game over the summer. I am not looking forward to it at all. Since I am half veela the boys are going to not leave me alone! Then George is going to get very jealous cause he is the jealous type, mind you! And then there comes the fights, I mean I can't control my hair George! I like him, like a lot, but man do I wanna punch the guy! I guess I am like you in that way.

Well, I love you,
Love, Heaven <3

I look at the time seeing it isn't past curfew so I went to the owlry, when I got there my owl was there. "Hey buddy, I need you to give this to Sirius Black, try to avoid the Ministry, they are intercepting letters, Love you." I kiss him on the head and he flies out. I didn't want to go to the common room so I sat down, before I knew it footsteps were coming up, I look and see Cedric. He stops when he sees me. "Heaven you scared me." He says with a laugh, he goes to one of the school owls, whispers where to take the letter then he sits down next to me. "Don't wanna go to your common room?" I shake my head. "Was it a rough day today?" "Yeah." "What happened?" He asks me, "If you don't mind me asking."

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