He stares blankly at me.

"You were her only mate the entire time." I bite my nail, wishing this wasn't so hard to say.

His brow creases, and his gaze drops to his lap. "Oh..."

"I'm sorry. I truly am," I murmur, reaching out to embrace him. He lets me, trembling ever-so-slightly under my hands. I hate seeing him like this, in pain, considering how much time he has already spent with that emotion.

When he pulls away, he summons a calm breath, settling himself. "Like I said, everything is where it needs to be."

"And I'm Immortal now," I note. "Nothing can stop us from being together."

He smiles, and it's genuine, and happy, despite what I know he is trying to push down. He will mourn his relationship with Abella for a long time, and I'm okay with that. I want to be with him for every moment, even where it hurts. And I know that Cian will be there for me, especially when I have to tell Lev that I've accepted the mate bond with Cian, and want to be with him from now on.

And, he doesn't know that I'm dead yet...

Cian's doubtful tone brings me back. "Except Stace."

Ah yes. Stace. For a beautiful moment, I could forget Stace, and the fact that he blatantly killed me, and will likely want to do it again, when he finds out I'm reunited with Cian again. But this time, I know I can kill him. And I'm not going to hesitate...

"Speaking of," a voice exclaims from the doorway.

Both Cian and I flinch, very naked under the covers that we tug further around ourselves, looking toward the door where a very smug, lavender eyed man stands. I don't even have the energy within me to be surprised that he is here right now.

He steps into the room, followed by Ira and Hale, who look less than impressed to be in Cian's apartment right now.

"Seriously?" Cian mutters at the sight of them.

"Heard the good news," Sinful exclaims brightly, stretching his arms out like I actually believe he cares whether I am dead or alive. We only have a common enemy stopping me from strangling him too. "Scared me for a moment there, Amolet."

"Seems today is the day for revenge," I sigh. I had hoped Cian and I would have a moment longer to actually enjoy each other before being forced to face Stace. It seems Sinful isn't in the mood to grant that. At least once this is all over, I won't have to see Sinful, Ira or Hale for a very long time.

"We have decided that Hale is going to be the one to kill him," Ira notes, motioning to her brother.

Hale stares at me with that dark, cold stare of his. I can't tell what unnerves me more about him...his silver eyes, or his silver tattoos. He has a face you know you'll never see again, so beautiful in an angular, graceful way. And yet he decides to hit it in a magnificent cave, away from curious eyes

"Why you?" I ask him.

He shrugs. "Nothing to live for."

Typical Sin. Bored, sardonic and brooding. He genuinely doesn't think he shouldn't be here anymore, and even though I'm tempted to offer him that sweet release from his sad life, I know there is a better way this can be done.

"Maybe it's time for you to start looking for life's purpose, because I've figured out I can kill Stace," I say to the group.

Ira snorts, looking between Sinful and Hale, not believing a word. She's swapped out her pretty sundresses for a bright purple coat, her fluffy brown curls pulled into an up-do. She still can't hide her evil, though.

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