What is sex?

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Janet's Point Of View..
Myrtle Beach.
Monday October 26th, 2001.
I opened my diary writing as Wissam went down on me. I wasn't entertained nor enjoying him between my legs but I loved my husband and I wouldn't dare hurt his ego... I tried directing him towards my clitoris but he refused to listen to me he just has to be in charge. He started licking and flicking my lip not even near my folds. I started to fake my orgasm and moans to make my performance seem more believable..

Janet: Yesss Wissam mmm right there..

I said trying not to sound dry but sadly I failed. He got up smiling kissing my cheek and going in the bathroom to run a bath. I groaned placing my glasses down flipping over upset and unsatisfied..I had a bad feeling that tomorrow wasn't going to be the best day.

I woke up slipping on my house shoes making my way to my bathroom to complete my hygiene routine. Once I finished I slipped on my work outfit grabbing my bag of jerky and heading out. I turned up my music bobbing my head while taking a bite of my jerky..even though it wasn't "gluten-free" as Sarah one of the calc teachers would say.. it was damn good. I slowed down driving in the parking lot of Mcheatchren high school.. I pulled in my park getting out to get my work bag and making my way to my classroom. I hurried trying to avoid Lisa but failed when I saw her standing by my classroom with a smirk. I rolled my eyes going into my classroom putting my things down.

Lisaraye: hey sexy.

Janet: Lisa can you leave I would like to get started on my planning period.

Lisaraye: why do that when I can help you with planning..your next orgasm of course.

I groaned annoyed by her sexual advances.

Janet: leave. Now.

Lisaraye: whatever I have stuff to do anyways.

Janet: Yes..I'm sure.

Lisaraye: Im serious, I'm giving the new principal a tour of my pussy

Janet: Why must you be so vulgar..

Lisaraye: What shes fine, don't be jealous baby there's still space for you.

I rolled my eyes as she left laughing slamming my door behind her. In all Honesty me and Lisa did engage in sexual intercourse many years ago. Wissam wasn't satisfying me and it was a rough week so I sought her out... It wasn't the best but at least I released..I got to work almost immediately setting up a new lesson plan considering our new principal was stopping by to judge my work ethic.. I wasn't nervous I've always been a favorite in my workspace and other places regarding me and my skills.. from my brains to my sufficient grammar right down to my alluring looks and charming personality I've never had problems when it came to people.. I was diligently working when the the warning bell regarding first block rung.. I set up my PowerPoint while sitting out the notes for today, students started to flood my classroom In one big group before taking their seats taking out their work books after grabbing the notes..

Janet: You guys are familiar with the routine..write down the objective and be on your best behavior for we have a guest visiting our class this morning.. I need you guys to act like the young men and women that I know you are.

They all rolled there eyes reassuring me that I had nothing to worry about..which I knew. I've never had a problem out of my students after I gave them a taste of what getting cussed out by me felt like.. and I am a student favorite so they never really stepped out of line.. After seeing that everyone's pencils laying in their desk I began the lesson.

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