"Sorry Toni," he said. He stood there with his arms on his hips, smiling like an idiot. Me and the raven hair girl just looked at each other and then at Archie. "Ohhhhhh," the idiot said. "Ronnie, this is Toni Topaz," he then looked at me, "And Toni, this is Veronica Lodge, my girlfriend." I smiled at her, receiving one from her too.

"Nice to meet you," I remarked with my hand in front of her. Instead of accepting my hand shake, she gave me a warm hug and I hugged her back.
"I think we're gonna be really good friends," she whispered in my ear. We pulled away and I just smiled and nodded. Then there was a loud door slam.

Cheryl's POV

Toni Topaz. That's her name. I caught her staring at me and I'm not really surprised. HAVE YOU SEEN ME. She doesn't look half bad, definitely way better looking than many people in this god forsaken school. All of a sudden, she fell onto the floor and revealed Varchie behind her being cringy like usual. I was about to run and help her up, but instead foolish Andrews noticed her and helped her up. Why does Archie have to be helpful? Why couldn't I help her up? I just want to hold her hands and help her u- My phone then went off, interrupting my thoughts and ofc it was Blake, a stupid guy btw.

Blake: Hey Cher
Cheryl: BYE
Blake: Come onnn
             We both know that you want me
Cheryl: Keep it in your pants you dickless hooligan
Blake: Text me later baby x

I sighed, turning off my phone. CAN HE NOT UNDERSTAND I'M FUCKING GAY. Anyways, I looked up and see Toni and Veronica hugging. A sense of jealousy went through my body while staring at the two. Their smiles towards each other made me wanna hurl, so I ran out of the gym and slammed the door. Why am I acting like this?

I go to the locker room and see that everyone is out. I go into the shower to wash the disgusting sweat on me. I close my eyes and imagine someone holding me close. A pink haired girl, kissing my neck, with the hot water rolling down our naked bodies-

I quickly got out of the shower and got ready for first period. I carried my books swiftly to my classroom as I was running late. I accidentally bumped into someone and all my books fell onto the floor. "WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" I screeched at the person.

I looked up and saw Toni and my heart instantly stopped. Her well shaped face, her beautiful eyes anyone can get lost in and her lips, those big soft li- "I'm so sorry, I just can't find my class," Toni said, interrupting my daydreaming.
"It's fine, don't worry about it." We just stared at each other smiling for a good minute, "Which class do you have," I asked.
"I have history with Mrs. Green." her melodic voice said. She has the same class as me...
Praise you Lesbian Jesus.
"Same, can I walk you there." I asked. She just nodded and helped me with my books.

We got to the classroom and Mrs. Green just smiled at us and said "You must be Antoinette To-"
Is her real name Antoinette?? That's beautiful.
Why tf am I such a simp for this one girl. Toni respectfully interrupted her, saying,
"Just call me Toni please. Toni Topaz." The teacher just smiled and nodded.
She then looked at me and exclaimed, "Thank you Cheryl for helping Toni. You can sit in your seat now." I did as instructed, and now I'm definitely not smiling and staring at Toni's butt. "Toni, you are going to sit next to Veronica Lodge," And my smile dropped. OF ALL PEOPLE, IT WAS VERONICA.

I stared at her walking over to Veronica. When she sat in her seat, Veronica gave her a side hug and Toni reciprocated. I knew my eyes couldn't handle it, so I looked away and started focusing on the work about The American Revolution (AKA boring shit).

This lesson has been boring af. I've just been doing the work and frowning the entire lesson so far. Then I felt something hit my back. I looked behind me and saw a piece of paper behind me and also a smug Toni on the other side of the classroom glancing at me. I opened the piece of paper,

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