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Sydney: can't make it. Sorry Y/N. Theos got a fever and Devin doesn't get back until tonight. But ill be there next week, so I can beat you again.

"Do you play tennis?" I ask the blonde secret serviceman.

"I'm not terrible," he responds confidently.

"Great, I'm headed to the country club and I need a partner," I picked up my racquet bag and headed towards the door. He hurried ahead of me and opened the door just like he had on the terrible day of my incident. "I never got your name, I'm sorry I guess I've been a little out of it for a while."

"Steve Rodgers ma'am," he responds while walking beside me.

"Thank you, Steve, I mean for carrying me away and for being here. And please call me Y/N."

He nods and gestures towards the inside of the elevator as it opens.

"I've successfully avoided the woman for an entire...Fucking...Year," I vent as Steve struggles to keep hitting the ball. "And then that fucking perfume, and her green fucking eyes, and" I stop to hit the ball as hard as I can. It goes over the net and straight to Steve's groin. His body instantly falls forward. I run over to him and hear the pain in his breathing.

"Oh shit," he strains.

"Steve, I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?" I stress, I felt really bad for first having him listen to me, and second for minimizing his possibility of having kids. He puts up a thumbs up though clearly still in pain. I get on my knees to his level as he takes a sitting position to recuperate, I open the water and hand it to him, some droplets fall on the grey sweatpants I got for him to change into.

"I'm okay," he finally says after chugging half the bottle of water.

"Does this mean I won?" I joke to try to lighten up the mood.

"I'm glad you hit me, I couldn't keep up," he pants. I help him to his feet, we gather our equipment, and go back home.


"Is that my shirt?" the voice makes me jump back from the rack of clothes I was organizing.

"What are you doing here?" I say to her, she just flashes a smile as a response I look down at the black Oversized Nirvana T-shirt. I wore it to sleep after we broke up because it smelled like her, it turned into my favorite shirt to sleep in. "You left it here, It's mine now." I see her eyes wander to the space where I kept her clothes, I quickly move in front of it and reach to turn off the light and walk out into the bedroom. I sit on the bed and pick up a book from the nightstand. She kicks her heels off and climbs up next to me.

"What are you doing?" I scoot away from her.

"You ask too many questions," She lets out a sigh of relief as she covers herself in the blanket. I avoid looking at her and keep my focus on the words on my lap.

"You still have my clothes in the closet," She whispers.

"I don't clean that often."

"Mariana does and I know that you give her any clothes you don't want because her teenage daughter has the same taste as you. You give her the best of your clothes, anything designer, and everything else you donate."

"I kept your clothes," I admit. She smiles.

"What book is that?" She asks changing the subject, I  pick it up to show her the title, Price of Salt. "one of my favorites," I smile. She takes the book out of my hands.

"The mouth calm as her eyes, as Therese had seen it many times before," she reads out loud, "My angel' Carol said 'Flung out of space," she smiles and lifts my chin up to meet her eyes, "My angel," She repeats in a whisper.

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