11 Meeting the Avengers

Start from the beginning

"It's a long story. We'll tell you later okay." Wanda hugged me closet again.

"Who's the new girl!" Someone cried.

Wanda set me down and Pietro handed me my crutches back.

"Avengers, this is my Daughter Ebony." Tony revealed to them.

"How have you had a kid and no one knew?" The gruff one asked again.

"I didn't know he existed till two days ago. The same roughly went for him." I snapped at the unknown man.

Ignoring the rest of them I head back to seat.

"Hi, I'm Bucky, Caps best friend." A metal armed man introduced himself.

"Ebony Rose." Is all I said.

"Sam Wilson the Falcon." An average looking African American introduces himself.

"Cocky much." I drawled.

"Scott Lange, this is my daughter Cassie. I'm sorry if she was bugging you earlier." The man and young girl from eariler now had a name.

"I'm Dr. Stephen Strange." A man in a red cape introduced himself.

"Hope Van Dyne." A pretty brunette stated.

"Daughter of the leading expert in particular science, Hank Pym. His work is extrodenary." I told her.

"James Rhodes but everyone calls me Rhodey. We meet your first night here." Rhodey stated.

"I remember." I simply stated.

"I'm Jane Foster. Thor's girlfriend." She was obviously insecure.

"Prefer Loki in the Norse God department."

"What!" The the simultaneous cry of outrage.

"I may be hurt, but I will fight everyone of you, if you talk bad about Loki. He was controlled during that whole battle!" I snapped.

"Drink your coffee little one." Loki appeared behind me.

"I'm Darcy Lewis, Jane's assistant and friend to the Avengers." A pretty brunette with glasses and beanie said.

"I'm King T'Challa of Wakanda, and this is my Sister, Princess..." Ta'Challa the Black Panther started.

"Shuri. Just Shuri." The most stunning teen age girl here interrupted her Brother.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." I replied having finished half my coffee.

"You all should have expected the new teenager. I told you all she was here yesterday." Tony spoke up.

"Shit your right." Was the general response.

"Don't forget Jasper is coming tomorrow." I added to the conversation.

"Another teenage boy Tony? You really want your daughters boyfriend at the Tower as well?" Sam questioned.

"First of all Jasper is a she, second of Jasper very much so loves her Girlfriend of five years and plans on marrying her. Third that's my sister your talking about." I snapped at the man.

"Tony has another kid?" Is all Sam took from that.

"You are a mother.... Your and idiot." I censored myself. "I have known Jasper since I was 7, she's one of my best friends." I told Sam.

"But why..." Bucky covered Sam's mouth with his metal hand.

"Just shut up. The child was serious when she said she'll fight us, if we make her upset. She reminds me of Stevie when he was her age." Bucky stated.

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