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Becoming Morally grey was the best decision Mythrus had made in his life. It was one of the best in his entire life. It was one of the best in a long time. People don't start out as villain's, they become one. The persona of people around them creeps up on you, like vines fondling over fences. The desire dropping into your veins like poison until the morals you once stood by start to shift. The feeling of power can change a person. Power is key in society today. Down the line of the 18th century isn't what you're taught in the lessons with the passionate teacher. We all preach about the parts of history that's missed out, though truth be told.. What do we really know IS being left out? Of course, the most obvious ones with historical proof, but what about the parts where no one but the believers know? 

Take Harry Potter for example, a wizarding world with a school and shopping town solely created for the existence of magical folks. Hidden from the eyes of muggles. What is there to question as a unsuspecting reader? It could be the same as our day to day life or past life. Magic is all around us, but only the selected are able to see. It relies solely on the belief of the existence of spells, charms and curses. Hells spells, it's funny how magic became a myth whilst the growth of technology surged. 

The way you faith lies in power can also change a certain belief.   To Mythrus, it was hilarious; hilarious that out of all people, it was his big brother Wilbur that had turned him. Wictor that had turned him. Big brother Wic, the brother who lost his sanity. Not that Mythrus blamed him. Who wouldn't lose their mind after being killed by your father, revived by your ex-lover (or potential enemy but it's a debate in progress) and then having blown up your own home town.

Mythrus hadn't seen his brother since he had been revived. The sick churning feeling of someone you just saw die wasn't his cup of tea, not that it would be anyone's. Seeing Wilbur in the dark alleyway was a mistake in its own. A mistake that turned into something far greater. Ladies and Gentlemen, it turned into the darkest chapter in history. This history has no straight morals and laws. Only you yourself as the reader can decide if a person was the hero or the villain. It's a Astri-nominal phenomenon that shook the internet, wowed historians and baffled scientists.

Funny, isn't it?

You see, this is the dark ages, a chaotic and gloomy era. Like all history, it's twisted. The wagering of wars, the 'heroic' heroes and the misunderstood villains, betrayed allies, corrupted marriages and broken families. You'll find that the past isn't normal, rather it's magical. Magic is the only reason the world thrived.

Magic wasn't your fairy magic we read about in a fairy tales and stories we read as a kid. It was good and bad magic. Witchcraft, charms and curses were gifts from higher beings. From this, people learnt to control heart and energy. A crucible. There're creatures, hybrids and magical beings all around us, we just don't know it. 

Bearing a curse isn't a bad thing for most people. Most the time, you can tell if someone was cursed with one. With magic, there's an unusual but distinct mark on a person that can tell if you hold magic.  Curses can be used for good or evil, but it's the puppeteer inside of you, possessing you that actually changes things. With power comes the power withholder; it was seemed as the key to the magic given inside. Magic isn't a persons entirely, using it means a person wouldn't be in total control. The being inside of you would somewhat possess you in able to use the power to both the spirit holder and users advantage. 

Besides all of that, we're here to discover the roots of it all and let me tell you, it's fast paced, confusing and pretty much- what's the word... unpredictable. It's a dashing tale, so do try to keep up.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2022 ⏰

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