Y3 ~ dancing together

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"Well Potter, can you dance?"

Love Story - Taylor SwiftWordcount - 2342

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Love Story - Taylor Swift
Wordcount - 2342


"Y/n!" Thomas shouted from downstairs. "Are you ready?"

Y/n was supposed to be at dance practise in 20 minutes and she was late as always. It would be her final practice before going to Hogwarts, she would miss her dance classes. It'd been an escape over the years, and the hours in the dance studio was the ones she'd longed after when Edith was still in the house. Though, Hogwarts was really her second home and she really missed Harry, Ron and Hermione.

The four had all exchanged letters over the summer-- even though Ron almost never wrote, and when he did it, it usually wasn't more than a few sentences. Harry and Hermione on the other hand kept their promises and wrote every week, it didn't bother her that Hermione could write her bibles at times and she really enjoyed reading Harry's letter-- keeping herself updated in case she needed to beat up Dudley.

She spaced for a moment, just looking out of her window. It was pretty late and almost dark outside, the peacefulness almost made her forget about her dane practice, glancing over at Privet Drive 4 on the other hand, it didn't look so peaceful. Her eyes widened as she saw a fat body float up in the air-- Vernon running after it and not many minutes later a boy she recognized as Harry rushing out the front door with a trunk rolling after him.

"Oh my Scarhead, what have you done now?" She sighed to herself as she hurried down the stairs .

"Y/n! Where are you going? We have to go!" Thomas shouted after Y/n as she ran out of the door.

"Harry!" She shouted, ignoring her father completely. "Harry wait!"

Though, Harry didn't turn around, he kept walking straight forward in a high speed.
"Idiot" Y/n mumbled under her breath as she sped up to catch up with her best friend. She managed to grab ahold of his shirt, making him turn around swiftly.

Y/n became silent for a moment as she laid her eyes on him. His features had become more visible, his hair was longer, messier than ever. His glasses were slightly crooked and the eyes behind them wasn't just green anymore. The edges were darker, like a forest as a lighter shade of emerald took over making Y/n almost getting lost in them. He was taller also, the past years he and Y/n had been around the same height. Now he was visibly taller. Shaking her head, she asked herself why she was even notifying this and finally got some words out of her mouth.

"Harry, what the heck is going on?" She questioned.

Laying eyes on his best friend for the first time over the summer, he calmed himself. He'd missed those sparkling e/c eyes and smile that always would bring him joy. He also noticed that she looked older, more mature than before the summer. He quite liked it, she'd always been pretty in his opinion, it was just something different now.

ETERNAL LOVE ➸ H. POTTER x READER (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now