graphic sizes and uses

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these are graphic sizes and uses.

they are in pixels and go by widthxheight

cover: 320x500 or 512x800. Anything in similar ratio

uses: as a book cover for a wattpad story

banner: 700x110 (varies upon designer but this is the most common size)

uses: as a side graphic in a chapter of a story

signature: 500x200

uses: as a side graphic in a chapter of a story or as a graphic to represent yourself or likes/hobbies at the bottom of a comment (usually in graphic forums like shadowplay but not wattpad)

blend: 800x600

uses: as a side graphic in a chapter of a story

movie poster: 400x600 or 500x800

uses: as a side graphic in a chapter of a story

button: 88x31

uses: a fancy linked image

bookmark: 200x600

uses: as a side graphic in a chapter of a story

thread layout: 442xany

uses: to make a thread discussion look pretty

profile header: 1920x600

uses: a profile header in your profile? o.O

icon: 100x100 (on graphic forums and dA) 300x300 (or proportionally larger on wattpad)

uses: a profile picture or icon for your profile

chapter image: 380x300

uses: as a side graphic in a chapter of a story

book jacket: 715x500 (cover: 320x500, back cover: 320x500, spine: 75x500) or 1124x800 (cover: 512x800,  back cover: 512x800, spine: 100x800)

uses: a story ad in a genre club or a side graphic in a story

textures, colorings, and other resources: 1x1 or larger

uses: to make your graphic pretty or pretty ugly

colorization: however large the black/white image was

uses: to show your graphic skillz

typography: 400x600 or square or cover size (no offical size)

uses: as a side graphic in a chapter of a story

outifts: whatever size polyvore is giving you

uses: as a side graphic in a chapter of a story, but is shown on the top when you read a story

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