A Mind Battle End and Renewal Hope

Start from the beginning

William: "Uh... what happened?"

Talulah: "What are-"

William: "I am just William."

I looked to the side to see the old man was trying to get up though was struggling.

William in his mind: "What happened when I was not in control of my body? That unknown entity why are they inside of my body? No! It is not time to think that until I finish this fight."

I used Blue Mastery to lift the old man and bring him to my face. I looked at his fearful eyes with my annoyed ones. 

William: "So old man are you ready to give up and leave this body alone... or do you want to die so badly that you wish you never existed."

Kashchey: "..."

William: "The silent treatment... huh. Well, it does not matter as at this point-"

I felt my instincts go up and I jump in the air to see a sword miss me. I looked at the bastard with an annoyed look.

William: "Really even now? You fucking were on the floor barely moving and now you want to fight again."

Kashchey: "..."

William: "So you are still not going to say anything. Are you a masochist or something? "

Kashchey: "... Die!"

Then over 100 swords spawn out of nowhere and were launched at me. I wonder if it is time to end this as I want to finally try as I want to see how powerful I really am. I just focused and made a DT barrier to block the swords. It broke after 10 seconds. I do not remember that I ever practiced that so it is not that strong. Wait a minute why do I feel like I have less DT than before... did I having that mental breakdown take away my DT? I teleport out of the way... either way, it's time to end this show.

William: "Well here is the grand finale! I hope you enjoy it, everyone!"

My heart started to go fast as I felt the words that would show the whole universe my real power.

William: "Time to show you a portion of my real power!"

The moment I said those words... I felt something inside of myself rise. Like an inferno was just unleashed. IT IS SHOWTIME!

Meanwhile out of the Dream

Reunion Guard 1: "What the-"

As black clouds surrounded the whole camp. They felt something off as if...

Reunion Guard 2: "This is looking-"

Then lighting started to strike down... and the world itself was quaking as the sea started to become unruly and beaches were closing down for the day. Inside the depth of the sea itself... creatures hide as their instincts told them to and the more powerful ones were ready for any attacks. Powerful people or people who can feel the area around them felt fear as they sense something was off in the world as if it was crying. In the far north and south part of the world... the loudest of screeches can be heard as the demons start to run away and hide to the confusion of many soldiers.

???: "!!!"

It is like the world itself is twisting and turning to what William desires. Yet... something changed... as if you ignoring two keys shaking, the Gods feeling something awful has happened and an old cat lady monster feeling scared. Someone awaken and look around as she wonder where she was.

???: "Hello."

Yet no one was there.

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