Thinking and Training

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You know what you picked

Yet he also lied

Nothing in life is free from suffering

❄︎︎♒︎︎♋︎︎■︎︎🙵 ⍓︎︎□︎︎◆︎︎ ♐︎︎□︎︎❒︎︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎❒︎ ❒︎♏︎⬧︎◻︎□︎■︎⬧︎♏︎⬧︎ ☼︎︎︎♏︎︎︎♋︎︎︎♎︎︎︎♏︎︎︎❒︎︎︎⬧︎︎︎ ♋︎︎︎■︎︎︎♎︎︎︎

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Third Person Pov

As William slept through the night, the events that he did before has finally appeared on the news as one reporter had this to say about what he did.

Reporter: "It was found out from a Hospital from Columbia called Soma that the infected people were CURED. Yes, you heard that right as it was found by the Hospital staff that everyone that was on every floor above the main was cured and the cameras were down at that time so we have no idea on how it occurred though it was seen that a person was walking around thanks to a staff seeing someone before being suddenly knocked out by some unknown means."

Similar news reports like these were being transmitted to Terra as two certain organizations also heard about it.




Location: Rhode Island Cafeteria

In Rhode Island, a little bunny girl was watching the news as everyone who was in the Cafeteria was shocked to hear that from the news.

In Rhode Island, a little bunny girl was watching the news as everyone who was in the Cafeteria was shocked to hear that from the news

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