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You saw a animatronic upon a tower on the wall (HOO HOO HOO) it said before jumping into the ball pit you were in you started to freak out. You started to move around until a pair of cold hands wrapped around your waist making you feel uncomfortable... NEW FRIEND your sure up late.ARE WE HAVING A SLUMBER PARTY!? It yelled in excitement you were going to say something until it bring you somewhere out of the ball pit. OH! I just realized I didn't introduce myself I'm sunrise or Sundrop just call me sun for short what's your name. it asks you... I-im y/n and I was kinda expiring sorry... Sundrop looked at you confused but then realized they were still holding you. Oops sorry I forgot I was holding you still he laughed.  you felt something you felt somewhat safe around him.  Then started talking about stuff like glitter glue and googly eyes but what caught your attention the most was him saying there's only one rule to keep the lights on ON you were startled at the last part but shrugged it off you ask him if he wants to play hide n seek YES  I WOULD LOVE TO he yelled in a excited voice IL-ILL COUNT YOU HIDE you didn't know we're to hide then spotted a security desk then went up to it and hid under the table he stop counting and started to look for you. While you were waiting to be found you scooted to a spot and accidentally hit a button it turned the lights off oh no... You heard him screeching and screaming then you heard a raspy voice say NAUGHTY GIRL NAUGHTY GIRL ITS PASSED Your BEDTIME...

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