the beginning

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You just got a call from f/n and answered it (hey y/n a new pizza place opened not to long ago and I was wondering if you want to explore it?) The curious teen you were you said yes....       You arrived at the place and noticed your friend was already in you join them and then you saw a golden statue and was walking around from where animatronics your friend wanted to go different ways so you went when they went the other you came across a daycare looking area and saw a slide when you went in the doors you went down the slide because you were bored and curiosity was eating you when you went down the flight you fell into a ball pit and noticed something on a tower looking thing on the wall....      

hey guys cliff hanger I know I ruined your day but this is my first ever story and the simp I am I made a sunrise x reader because why not YES I DO TAKE REQUESTS I'll try my best to make all rules NO LEMON LIME only a little smut you dirty simps yes I accept fluff Ill try to make it wholesome 😅🥺😊

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